The microscope camera CAM-M on-board the Rashid-1 lunar rover
SG Els, N Ageorges, M Bogosavljevic, D Kampf… - Space Science …, 2024 - Springer
The microscope imager CAM-M was developed for the Emirates Lunar Mission (ELM)
program. This camera is part of the Rashid-1 lunar rover scientific instrument package. It is …
program. This camera is part of the Rashid-1 lunar rover scientific instrument package. It is …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of research on lunar dust dispersal due to rocket plume im**ement
In recent years, prominent spacefaring nations have redirected their attention towards the
Moon as a potential avenue for economic prospects and as a pivotal waypoint for extended …
Moon as a potential avenue for economic prospects and as a pivotal waypoint for extended …
Plume effects on Martian surface: Revealing evolution characteristics of plume-surface interaction at Tianwen-1 landing site
Engine plumes can seriously erode the Martian surface during the landing phase, causing a
substantial alteration of the terrain of the immediate touchdown area and beyond …
substantial alteration of the terrain of the immediate touchdown area and beyond …
Direct measurements of dust settling velocity under low‐density atmospheres using time‐resolved particle image velocimetry
Dust dynamics influence planetary atmospheres. However, the settling velocity of dust—and
thus its residence time in the atmosphere—is often mispredicted. Challenging, indirect …
thus its residence time in the atmosphere—is often mispredicted. Challenging, indirect …
Identification and Spectral Characteristic Analysis of the Tianwen-1 Exhaust Disturbed Area Using HiRIC and HiRISE Imagery
The Tianwen-1 lander exhaust induced obvious disturbances to the Martian soil. This study
examines the extent and nature of the disturbed area caused by Tianwen-1 landing rocket …
examines the extent and nature of the disturbed area caused by Tianwen-1 landing rocket …
Investigating Photogrammetric Accuracy of a Lunar-lander-induced Crater Measurement System
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2023-2475. vid Laboratory
measurements have been made to validate the performance of the Stereo CAmeras for …
measurements have been made to validate the performance of the Stereo CAmeras for …