A review of band structure and material properties of transparent conducting and semiconducting oxides: Ga2O3, Al2O3, In2O3, ZnO, SnO2, CdO, NiO, CuO, and …
This Review highlights basic and transition metal conducting and semiconducting oxides.
We discuss their material and electronic properties with an emphasis on the crystal …
We discuss their material and electronic properties with an emphasis on the crystal …
NEXAFS investigations of transition metal oxides, nitrides, carbides, sulfides and other interstitial compounds
JG Chen - Surface Science Reports, 1997 - Elsevier
Owing to their unique physical and chemical properties, transition metal compounds,
especially transition metal oxides, nitrides, carbides and sulfides, have been the subject of …
especially transition metal oxides, nitrides, carbides and sulfides, have been the subject of …
Temperature dependence of the free-exciton transition energy in zinc oxide by photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
L Wang, NC Giles - Journal of Applied Physics, 2003 - pubs.aip.org
Photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopies are used
to track the temperature dependence of the A exciton energy (E XA) in undoped bulk ZnO …
to track the temperature dependence of the A exciton energy (E XA) in undoped bulk ZnO …
Cellular Toxicity of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Anatase and Rutile Crystal Phase
C **, Y Tang, FG Yang, XL Li, S Xu, XY Fan… - Biological trace element …, 2011 - Springer
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are massively produced and widely used in daily life, which
has posed potential risk to human health. However, the molecular mechanism of TiO 2 …
has posed potential risk to human health. However, the molecular mechanism of TiO 2 …
X-ray-absorption fine-structure standards: A comparison of experiment and theory
GG Li, F Bridges, CH Booth - Physical Review B, 1995 - APS
The reliability of the structural parameters obtained from x-ray-absorption fine-structure
(XAFS) spectra strongly depends on the quality of the standards used in the data analyses …
(XAFS) spectra strongly depends on the quality of the standards used in the data analyses …
X-ray absorption spectroscopies: useful tools to understand metallorganic frameworks structure and reactivity
The large unit cells, the enormous flexibility and variation in structural motifs of MOFs
represent a big challenge in the characterization of MOF materials, particularly in cases …
represent a big challenge in the characterization of MOF materials, particularly in cases …
Sensitivity of extended X-ray-absorption fine structure to thermal expansion
The sensitivity of extended x-ray-absorption fine structure (EXAFS) to thermal expansion has
been studied by temperature-dependent measurements on germanium. The first cumulant …
been studied by temperature-dependent measurements on germanium. The first cumulant …
On the cumulant analysis of EXAFS in crystalline solids
P Fornasini, F Monti, A Sanson - Synchrotron Radiation, 2001 - journals.iucr.org
The analysis of temperature-dependent EXAFS spectra based on the cumulant expansion is
critically reviewed, seeking for accurate relations between EXAFS parameters and physical …
critically reviewed, seeking for accurate relations between EXAFS parameters and physical …
Extended x-ray-absorption fine-structure measurements of copper: Local dynamics, anharmonicity, and thermal expansion
P Fornasini, S a Beccara, G Dalba, R Grisenti… - Physical Review B …, 2004 - APS
Extended x-ray-absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) of copper has been measured from 4 to
500 K and analyzed by the cumulant method, to check the effectiveness of EXAFS as a …
500 K and analyzed by the cumulant method, to check the effectiveness of EXAFS as a …
Structural effects of incorporating Cu+ and Cu 2+ ions into silicate bioactive glasses using molecular dynamics simulations
Copper oxide containing bioactive glasses have drawn attention because of their unique
properties as biomaterials for targeted tissue engineering applications. This is due to their …
properties as biomaterials for targeted tissue engineering applications. This is due to their …