[HTML][HTML] Species distribution models and island biogeography: Challenges and prospects
E Benavides, J Sadler, L Graham… - Global Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Species distribution models (SDMs) are the primary tools used to model and predict
changes to species' ranges, and are often used to provide a quantitative baseline for …
changes to species' ranges, and are often used to provide a quantitative baseline for …
[HTML][HTML] Publication trends in global biodiversity research on protected areas
One of the main strategies to reduce the global loss of biodiversity has been the
establishment of protected areas (PAs). High quality biodiversity knowledge is essential to …
establishment of protected areas (PAs). High quality biodiversity knowledge is essential to …
Climatic stability and geological history shape global centers of neo-and paleoendemism in seed plants
Assessing the distribution of geographically restricted and evolutionarily unique species and
their underlying drivers is key to understanding biogeographical processes and critical for …
their underlying drivers is key to understanding biogeographical processes and critical for …
Convergent evolution toward a slow pace of life predisposes insular endotherms to anthropogenic extinctions
Island vertebrates have evolved a number of morphological, physiological, and life history
characteristics that set them apart from their mainland relatives. However, to date, the …
characteristics that set them apart from their mainland relatives. However, to date, the …
The global loss of avian functional and phylogenetic diversity from anthropogenic extinctions
Humans have been driving a global erosion of species richness for millennia, but the
consequences of past extinctions for other dimensions of biodiversity—functional and …
consequences of past extinctions for other dimensions of biodiversity—functional and …
Dwarfism and gigantism drive human-mediated extinctions on islands
Islands have long been recognized as distinctive evolutionary arenas leading to
morphologically divergent species, such as dwarfs and giants. We assessed how body size …
morphologically divergent species, such as dwarfs and giants. We assessed how body size …
Threatened and extinct island endemic birds of the world: Distribution, threats and functional diversity
Aim The world's islands support disproportionate levels of endemic avian biodiversity
despite suffering numerous extinctions. While intensive recent research has focused on …
despite suffering numerous extinctions. While intensive recent research has focused on …
The BALA project: A pioneering monitoring of Azorean forest invertebrates over two decades (1999–2022)
Globally, there is a concerning decline in many insect populations, and this trend likely
extends to all arthropods, potentially impacting unique island biota. Native non-endemic and …
extends to all arthropods, potentially impacting unique island biota. Native non-endemic and …
Trading species to extinction: evidence of extinction linked to the wildlife trade
The link between unsustainable harvest of species for the wildlife trade and extinction is
clear in some cases, but little is known about the number of species across taxonomic …
clear in some cases, but little is known about the number of species across taxonomic …
A Review on the State of the Art in Frugivory and Seed Dispersal on Islands and the Implications of Global Change
We provide an overview of the current state of knowledge of island frugivory and seed
dispersal and identify knowledge gaps that are important for fundamental research on—and …
dispersal and identify knowledge gaps that are important for fundamental research on—and …