Quantifying Agricultural Crop Losses Caused by Blue Bulls: an Economic Assessment in Western Haryana and Central Punjab in India

K Rani, BK Babbar - Journal of Crop Health, 2025 - Springer
Abstract States like Haryana and Punjab, pivotal agricultural hubs in India, suffer significant
crop losses due to wildlife, including blue bulls, wild boars, monkeys, and others. Blue bulls …

Growth and breeding biology of female Indian Gerbil (Tatera indica): Reproductive, biochemical and histological Evaluation

KK Sandhu, N Singla - Indian Journal of Animal Research, 2020 - indianjournals.com
Average duration of pro-estrous, estrous, met-estrous and di-estrous stages in one oestrous
cycle of female Indian gerbil, Tatera indica was found 0.61, 0.38, 0.62 and 1.37 days …

[PDF][PDF] Concurrent infection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in synanthropic rodents: First report from Punjab, India

SK Brar, N Singla, LD Singla - Ind J Vet Sci Biotechnol, 2021 - researchgate.net
The present morphometric coproscopic study was aimed to investigate the protozoan
infections in synanthropic rodents of urban areas from Punjab. Faecal samples of total 65 …

[PDF][PDF] Adoption of rodent pest management strategies by farmers of District Ludhiana, Punjab.

R Singh, N Singla - Agricultural Research Journal, 2020 - drive.google.com
AbstrAct the present study was conducted to assess adoption of rodent pest management
strategies by farmers in district Ludhiana, punjab during the year 2017-18. farmers …

Impact of growth stages of rice crop on population dynamics and reproductive status of Tatera indica (Hardwicke).

GK Dhillon, N Kaur - Agricultural Research Journal, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Tatera indica rodent pests were trapped during different growth stages of rice crop. The total
trap index of gerbils and percentage of pregnant gerbils was observed to be maximum …


N Singla, N Kaur, S Kalra - Agricultural Research Journal, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Survey of pea crop in different districts of Punjab revealed severe rodent damage to pea
crop. Therefore, there is a need to develop integrated rodent pest management (IRPM) …