The co‐evolution of longevity and social life

ER Lucas, L Keller - Functional Ecology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Living in social groups could influence the evolution of senescence and longevity by
affecting key life‐history parameters such as extrinsic mortality and the cost of reproduction …

Correlated evolution of social organization and lifespan in mammals

P Zhu, W Liu, X Zhang, M Li, G Liu, Y Yu, Z Li… - Nature …, 2023 -
Discerning the relationship between sociality and longevity would permit a deeper
understanding of how animal life history evolved. Here, we perform a phylogenetic …

Evolutionary ecology of senescence and a reassessment of Williams''extrinsic mortality'hypothesis

J Moorad, D Promislow, J Silvertown - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2019 -
The evolutionary theory of senescence underpins research in life history evolution and the
biology of aging. In 1957 GC Williams predicted that higher adult death rates select for …

An integrative view of senescence in nature

JM Gaillard, JF Lemaître - Functional Ecology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Senescence—the decline in age‐specific contribution to fitness with increasing age—has
been widely investigated in evolutionary ecology. A tremendous amount of detailed …

Ageing and sociality: why, when and how does sociality change ageing patterns?

J Korb, J Heinze - … Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2021 -
Individual lifespans vary tremendously between and also within species, but the proximate
and ultimate causes of different ageing speeds are still not well understood. Sociality …

Persistence of sociality in group dynamics of dairy cattle

LEC Rocha, O Terenius, I Veissier, B Meunier… - Applied Animal …, 2020 - Elsevier
In many species, animals live in highly structured groups. In these groups, individual
differences in the number and identity of social contacts (alters) of each ego define the social …

Sex, long life and the evolutionary transition to cooperative breeding in birds

PA Downing, CK Cornwallis… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 -
Long life is a typical feature of individuals living in cooperative societies. One explanation is
that group living lowers mortality, which selects for longer life. Alternatively, long life may …

The naked mole-rat as an animal model in biomedical research: current perspectives

LN Schuhmacher, Z Husson… - Open Access Animal …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The naked mole-rat (NMR) is a subterranean rodent that has gained significant attention
from the biomedical research community in recent years as molecular mechanisms …

Cold and isolated ectotherms: drivers of reptilian longevity

G Stark, K Tamar, Y Itescu, A Feldman… - Biological Journal of …, 2018 -
Animal lifespan is determined by extrinsic and intrinsic factors causing mortality. According
to the evolutionary theories of senescence, when mortality pressures are low, animals delay …

Hypoxia tolerance, longevity and cancer-resistance in the mole rat Spalax – a liver transcriptomics approach

H Schmidt, A Malik, A Bicker, G Poetzsch, A Avivi… - Scientific reports, 2017 -
The blind subterranean mole rat Spalax shows a remarkable tolerance to hypoxia, cancer-
resistance and longevity. Unravelling the genomic basis of these adaptations will be …