Modelling sound absorption properties of broom fibers using artificial neural networks

G Iannace, G Ciaburro, A Trematerra - Applied Acoustics, 2020 - Elsevier
The use of broom to produce fibers has ancient roots. The Greeks appreciated its resistance
to water and for this reason they used it to manufacture sailing ropes. But broom fiber was …

[HTML][HTML] Computation of psycho-acoustic annoyance using deep neural networks

J Lopez-Ballester, A Pastor-Aparicio, J Segura-Garcia… - Applied Sciences, 2019 -
Psycho-acoustic parameters have been extensively used to evaluate the discomfort or
pleasure produced by the sounds in our environment. In this context, wireless acoustic …

[PDF][PDF] Neural networks model to detect wind turbine dynamics

G Iannace, G Ciaburro, A Trematerra - International Journal of …, 2020 -
Accepted 2 November 2019; Published on line 1 June 2020)* Corresponding author: gino.
iannace@ unicampania. it DOI: 10.5875/ausmt. v10i1. 2225 Abstract: The wind has been a …

Acoustic Analysis and Detection of the Effects of Vapor-Liquid Interfacial Morphology on Pool-Boiling Heat Transfer for Different Materials

M Almadih - 2021 -
In this study, boiling regimes have been identified and analyzed along with the
corresponding vapor-liquid interfacial morphologies and heat transfer behaviors during …

[CITARE][C] Using neural networks to detect wind turbine functioning conditions

G Iannace, G Ciaburro, A Trematerra - International Journal of Automation and Smart …, 2020