Recent developments in vascular imaging techniques in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Adequate vascularisation is key in determining the clinical outcome of stem cells and
engineered tissue in regenerative medicine. Numerous imaging modalities have been …
engineered tissue in regenerative medicine. Numerous imaging modalities have been …
Can OCT angiography be made a quantitative blood measurement tool?
Featured Application Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) is a technique
for label-free vascular imaging in fields such as ophthalmology, gastroenterology, cancer …
for label-free vascular imaging in fields such as ophthalmology, gastroenterology, cancer …
Neurophotonic tools for microscopic measurements and manipulation: status report
Neurophotonics was launched in 2014 coinciding with the launch of the BRAIN Initiative
focused on development of technologies for advancement of neuroscience. For the last …
focused on development of technologies for advancement of neuroscience. For the last …
Quantitative microvascular hemoglobin map** using visible light spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography
Quantification of chromophore concentrations in reflectance mode remains a major
challenge for biomedical optics. Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography (SOCT) …
challenge for biomedical optics. Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography (SOCT) …
Effect of electrical forepaw stimulation on capillary transit-time heterogeneity (CTH)
Functional hyperemia reduces oxygen extraction efficacy unless counteracted by a
reduction of capillary transit-time heterogeneity of blood. We adapted a bolus tracking …
reduction of capillary transit-time heterogeneity of blood. We adapted a bolus tracking …
Deep learning toolbox for automated enhancement, segmentation, and graphing of cortical optical coherence tomography microangiograms
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is becoming increasingly popular for
neuroscientific study, but it remains challenging to objectively quantify angioarchitectural …
neuroscientific study, but it remains challenging to objectively quantify angioarchitectural …
Laminar fMRI: What can the time domain tell us?
The rapid developments in functional MRI (fMRI) acquisition methods and hardware
technologies in recent years, particularly at high field (≥ 7 T), have enabled unparalleled …
technologies in recent years, particularly at high field (≥ 7 T), have enabled unparalleled …
Baseline oxygen consumption decreases with cortical depth
The cerebral cortex is organized in cortical layers that differ in their cellular density,
composition, and wiring. Cortical laminar architecture is also readily revealed by staining for …
composition, and wiring. Cortical laminar architecture is also readily revealed by staining for …
Disturbances in the control of capillary flow in an aged APPswe/PS1ΔE9 model of Alzheimer's disease
Vascular changes are thought to contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease, and
both cerebral blood flow and its responses during neural activation are reduced before …
both cerebral blood flow and its responses during neural activation are reduced before …
Imaging motion: a comprehensive review of optical coherence tomography angiography
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a three-dimensional (3-D) optical imaging
technology that provides noninvasive, micrometer resolution images of structural interiors …
technology that provides noninvasive, micrometer resolution images of structural interiors …