The polar ocean and glacial cycles in atmospheric CO2 concentration

DM Sigman, MP Hain, GH Haug - Nature, 2010‏ -
Global climate and the atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide () are correlated over
recent glacial cycles, with lower during ice ages, but the causes of the changes are …

Nitrogen cycle of the open ocean: from genes to ecosystems

JP Zehr, RM Kudela - Annual review of marine science, 2011‏ -
The marine nitrogen (N) cycle controls the productivity of the oceans. This cycle is driven by
complex biogeochemical transformations, including nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and …

Lowering of glacial atmospheric CO2 in response to changes in oceanic circulation and marine biogeochemistry

V Brovkin, A Ganopolski, D Archer… - …, 2007‏ - Wiley Online Library
We use an Earth system model of intermediate complexity, CLIMBER‐2, to investigate what
recent improvements in the representation of the physics and biology of the glacial ocean …

Carbon dioxide effects of Antarctic stratification, North Atlantic Intermediate Water formation, and subantarctic nutrient drawdown during the last ice age: Diagnosis and …

MP Hain, DM Sigman, GH Haug - Global Biogeochemical …, 2010‏ - Wiley Online Library
In a box model synthesis of Southern Ocean and North Atlantic mechanisms for lowering
CO2 during ice ages, the CO2 changes are parsed into their component geochemical …

Carbon and climate system coupling on timescales from the Precambrian to the Anthropocene

SC Doney, DS Schimel - Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour., 2007‏ -
Over a range of geological and historical timescales, warmer climate conditions are
associated with higher atmospheric levels of CO2, an important climate-modulating …

[PDF][PDF] LOSCAR: Long-term Ocean-atmosphere-Sediment CArbon cycle Reservoir Model v2. 0.4.

RE Zeebe - Geoscientific Model Development, 2012‏ -
The LOSCAR model is designed to efficiently compute the partitioning of carbon between
ocean, atmosphere, and sediments on time scales ranging from centuries to millions of …

Glacial CO2 cycle as a succession of key physical and biogeochemical processes

V Brovkin, A Ganopolski, D Archer… - Climate of the …, 2012‏ -
During glacial-interglacial cycles, atmospheric CO 2 concentration varied by about 100
ppmv in amplitude. While testing mechanisms that have led to the low glacial CO 2 level …

[PDF][PDF] Glacial-interglacial variability in atmospheric CO2

KE Kohfeld, A Ridgwell - Surface Ocean/Lower Atmosphere …, 2009‏ -
Although the complete answer to the question of the glacial-interglacial variability in
atmospheric CO2 remains something of a mystery, important feedbacks, and processes …

Deep ocean ventilation, carbon isotopes, marine sedimentation and the deglacial CO2 rise

T Tschumi, F Joos, M Gehlen, C Heinze - Climate of the Past, 2011‏ -
The link between the atmospheric CO 2 level and the ventilation state of the deep ocean is
an important building block of the key hypotheses put forth to explain glacial-interglacial CO …

Meridional reorganizations of marine and terrestrial productivity during Heinrich events

L Menviel, A Timmermann, A Mouchet… - …, 2008‏ - Wiley Online Library
To study the response of the global carbon cycle to a weakening of the Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a series of freshwater perturbation experiments is …