Development of discrete interaction models for ultra-fine nanoparticle plasmonics
Plasmonics serves as a most outstanding feature of nanoparticle technology and is
nowadays used in numerous applications within imaging, sensing and energy harvesting …
nowadays used in numerous applications within imaging, sensing and energy harvesting …
Thermal degradation of optical resonances in plasmonic nanoparticles
The dependence of plasmon resonance excitations in ultrafine (3–7 nm) gold nanoparticles
on heating and melting is investigated. An integrated approach is adopted, where molecular …
on heating and melting is investigated. An integrated approach is adopted, where molecular …
Suppression of surface plasmon resonance in Au nanoparticles upon transition to the liquid state
Significant suppression of resonant properties of single gold nanoparticles at the surface
plasmon frequency during heating and subsequent transition to the liquid state has been …
plasmon frequency during heating and subsequent transition to the liquid state has been …
Surface plasmon resonances in liquid metal nanoparticles
We have shown significant suppression of resonant properties of metallic nanoparticles at
the surface plasmon frequency during the phase transition “solid–liquid” in the basic …
the surface plasmon frequency during the phase transition “solid–liquid” in the basic …
Thermal effects in systems of colloidal plasmonic nanoparticles in high-intensity pulsed laser fields
We have studied light induced processes in nanocolloids and composite materials
containing ordered and disordered aggregates of plasmonic nanoparticles accompanied by …
containing ordered and disordered aggregates of plasmonic nanoparticles accompanied by …
[HTML][HTML] Optical spectra of conjugated gold nano-colloids; Scattering cross section and effects of solvent and polydispersity
In this paper, a numerical study has been carried out on the effects of the type of solvent and
polydispersity of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) on the absorption and dispersion spectra of its …
polydispersity of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) on the absorption and dispersion spectra of its …
Влияние дисперсности наночастиц в прозрачной жидкости на пространственные характеристики четырехволнового преобразователя излучения
МВ Савельев - Физика волновых процессов и …, 2023 - journals.ssau.ru
В работе исследованы пространственные характеристики четырехволнового
преобразователя излучения в прозрачной гетерогенной полидисперсной среде с …
преобразователя излучения в прозрачной гетерогенной полидисперсной среде с …
Towards understanding the triggering of the malignant cell death in high-efficiency magneto-mechanical anticancer therapy
The paper discusses schemes for implementing magneto-mechanical anticancer therapy
and the most probable scenarios of damaging mechanical effects on the membranes of …
and the most probable scenarios of damaging mechanical effects on the membranes of …
Part I. Nanobubbles in pulsed laser fields for anticancer therapy: in search of adequate models and simulation approaches
We numerically investigate the conditions for the laser-induced formation of nanobubbles in
aqueous medium around plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) bound to the malignant cell …
aqueous medium around plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) bound to the malignant cell …
Part II. Nanobubbles around plasmonic nanoparticles in terms of modern simulation modeling: what makes them kill the malignant cells?
We have established numerically the physical pattern and conditions for formation of
nanosized bubbles in aqueous medium around biocompatible plasmonic nanoparticles …
nanosized bubbles in aqueous medium around biocompatible plasmonic nanoparticles …