[PDF][PDF] Vocational education and training and knowledge intensive business services: A promising relationship in the digital era

M Albizu, M Estensoro, S Franco - Foresight and STI …, 2022 - foresightjournal.org
Abstract Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) act as bridges of innovation in the
productive fabric. Given this growing importance, the occupational structure and demand for …

Does wine innovation research require ageing? A bibliometric review

I Porto-Gómez, M Larreina… - Profesional de …, 2020 - revista.profesionaldelainformacion …
Although wine is an old issue, wine business research and particularly innovation in the
wine sector seem to be relatively young areas in the literature. With its production limited to …

[PDF][PDF] VET and regional smart specialisation strategies: A comparative approach. A panel discussion

M Moso-Díez, G Atwell, M Gessler, C Nägele… - Trends in vocational …, 2019 - irf.fhnw.ch
The purpose of this discussion panel is to discuss the role of the vocational education and
training (VET) system within the framework of Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) in …

[HTML][HTML] Взаимовлияние среднего профессионального образования и интеллектуальных услуг в эпоху цифровизации

А Микель, Э Мирен, С Франко - Форсайт, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Поставщики наукоемких бизнес-услуг играют роль проводников инноваций в
производстве. В статье на примере испанской области Баскония изучается …

The Role Of Universities In Regional Innovation Systems. One-Step Further In Assuming The Third Mission?

DM Lina - EURINT, 2019 - ceeol.com
Universities were identified as key-actors in the process of designing and implementing of
S3 strategies (Goddard, J., Kempton, L., 2011). This paper will explore how the regional …

¿ Hay «KIBS ocultas» en la pequeña dimensión? Explorando la «función KIBS» de los campeones ocultos desde las capacidades tecnológicas

AB Zulueta, JB Guenaga… - … : Revista vasca de …, 2022 - dialnet.unirioja.es
¿Hay «KIBS ocultas» en la pequeña dimensión? Explorando la «función KIBS» de los
campeones ocultos desde las capacidades Page 1 Ekonomiaz N.º 102, 2º semestre, 2022 ¿Hay …

[PDF][PDF] VET and Regional Innovation Strategies in Spain: An Analysis of the Public Agenda

PAIC Nägele, BE Stalder, N Kersh - VETNET ECER PROCEEDINGS 2020 - irf.fhnw.ch
The aim of this paper is to analyse the presence, nature and scope of vocational education
and training (VET) on the public agenda for regional Research and Innovation Strategies for …

Does wine innovation research require ageing?: a bibliometric review

IP Gómez, ML Díaz, JG de la Puerta - El profesional de la información, 2020 - agora.edu.es
Although wine is an old issue, wine business research and particularly innovation in the
wine sector seem to be relatively young areas in the literature. With its production limited to …

A Formación Profesional en Galicia fronte ás Estratexias de Especialización Intelixente: análise da oferta de admisión e do papel dos CIFP no final do período de …

DS Veiga - Innovación educativa, 2020 - revistas.usc.gal
Avalíase a situación da Formación Profesional en Galicia perante o desafío da aplicación
das Estratexias de Especialización Intelixente lanzado pola Comisión Europea para as …

Lanbide Heziketako ikastetxeak RIS3aren erronken aurrean. Nafarroako kasua

J Retegi - 2018 - ebiltegia.mondragon.edu
Berrikuntzako sistema erregionalek eta espezializazio estrategia adimentsuek heziketa
teknikoan, ETEentzako zerbitzu teknologikoen prestakuntzan eta tokiko garapenean …