[PDF][PDF] Vocational education and training and knowledge intensive business services: A promising relationship in the digital era
Abstract Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) act as bridges of innovation in the
productive fabric. Given this growing importance, the occupational structure and demand for …
productive fabric. Given this growing importance, the occupational structure and demand for …
Does wine innovation research require ageing? A bibliometric review
Although wine is an old issue, wine business research and particularly innovation in the
wine sector seem to be relatively young areas in the literature. With its production limited to …
wine sector seem to be relatively young areas in the literature. With its production limited to …
[PDF][PDF] VET and regional smart specialisation strategies: A comparative approach. A panel discussion
The purpose of this discussion panel is to discuss the role of the vocational education and
training (VET) system within the framework of Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) in …
training (VET) system within the framework of Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) in …
[HTML][HTML] Взаимовлияние среднего профессионального образования и интеллектуальных услуг в эпоху цифровизации
А Микель, Э Мирен, С Франко - Форсайт, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Поставщики наукоемких бизнес-услуг играют роль проводников инноваций в
производстве. В статье на примере испанской области Баскония изучается …
производстве. В статье на примере испанской области Баскония изучается …
The Role Of Universities In Regional Innovation Systems. One-Step Further In Assuming The Third Mission?
DM Lina - EURINT, 2019 - ceeol.com
Universities were identified as key-actors in the process of designing and implementing of
S3 strategies (Goddard, J., Kempton, L., 2011). This paper will explore how the regional …
S3 strategies (Goddard, J., Kempton, L., 2011). This paper will explore how the regional …
¿ Hay «KIBS ocultas» en la pequeña dimensión? Explorando la «función KIBS» de los campeones ocultos desde las capacidades tecnológicas
AB Zulueta, JB Guenaga… - … : Revista vasca de …, 2022 - dialnet.unirioja.es
¿Hay «KIBS ocultas» en la pequeña dimensión? Explorando la «función KIBS» de los
campeones ocultos desde las capacidades Page 1 Ekonomiaz N.º 102, 2º semestre, 2022 ¿Hay …
campeones ocultos desde las capacidades Page 1 Ekonomiaz N.º 102, 2º semestre, 2022 ¿Hay …
[PDF][PDF] VET and Regional Innovation Strategies in Spain: An Analysis of the Public Agenda
PAIC Nägele, BE Stalder, N Kersh - VETNET ECER PROCEEDINGS 2020 - irf.fhnw.ch
The aim of this paper is to analyse the presence, nature and scope of vocational education
and training (VET) on the public agenda for regional Research and Innovation Strategies for …
and training (VET) on the public agenda for regional Research and Innovation Strategies for …
Does wine innovation research require ageing?: a bibliometric review
Although wine is an old issue, wine business research and particularly innovation in the
wine sector seem to be relatively young areas in the literature. With its production limited to …
wine sector seem to be relatively young areas in the literature. With its production limited to …
A Formación Profesional en Galicia fronte ás Estratexias de Especialización Intelixente: análise da oferta de admisión e do papel dos CIFP no final do período de …
DS Veiga - Innovación educativa, 2020 - revistas.usc.gal
Avalíase a situación da Formación Profesional en Galicia perante o desafío da aplicación
das Estratexias de Especialización Intelixente lanzado pola Comisión Europea para as …
das Estratexias de Especialización Intelixente lanzado pola Comisión Europea para as …
Lanbide Heziketako ikastetxeak RIS3aren erronken aurrean. Nafarroako kasua
J Retegi - 2018 - ebiltegia.mondragon.edu
Berrikuntzako sistema erregionalek eta espezializazio estrategia adimentsuek heziketa
teknikoan, ETEentzako zerbitzu teknologikoen prestakuntzan eta tokiko garapenean …
teknikoan, ETEentzako zerbitzu teknologikoen prestakuntzan eta tokiko garapenean …