'I was surprised to see you in a Chinese school': Researching multilingually opportunities and challenges in community-based research
Researchers working in multilingual contexts must draw on their own linguistic resources
when conceptualizing, planning, conducting, and reporting their studies, whether for theses …
when conceptualizing, planning, conducting, and reporting their studies, whether for theses …
[BOOK][B] Language, culture and identity in two Chinese community schools: More than one way of being Chinese?
S Ganassin - 2020 - books.google.com
This book investigates the social, political and educational role of community language
education in migratory contexts. It draws on an ethnographic study that investigates the …
education in migratory contexts. It draws on an ethnographic study that investigates the …
Parents' and teachers' constructions of the purposes of Chinese complementary schooling:'culture', identity and power
User perceptions and experiences of complementary education are neglected in the
research literature, yet they are important in providing understanding concerning …
research literature, yet they are important in providing understanding concerning …
Teachers' language use in United Kingdom Chinese community schools: Implications for heritage-language education
A Yiakoumetti - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
This study deals with teachers' language use as it is manifested in community-based
heritage-language classes. Specifically, it focuses on the functions of students' dominant …
heritage-language classes. Specifically, it focuses on the functions of students' dominant …
The culture project: Diasporic negotiations of ethnicity, identity and culture among teachers, pupils and parents in Chinese language schools
Notions of culture, ethnicity and identity are highly political (and also personally meaningful)
issues within diasporic communities. Complementary schools are particularly interesting …
issues within diasporic communities. Complementary schools are particularly interesting …
'Boring and stressful'or 'ideal'learning spaces? Pupils' constructions of teaching and learning in Chinese supplementary schools
Chinese supplementary schools have been accused of having 'old‐fashioned'and
ineffective teaching methods, with most teaching being undertaken by 'unqualified'volunteer …
ineffective teaching methods, with most teaching being undertaken by 'unqualified'volunteer …
A shifting standard: a stratified ideological ecology in a Birmingham Chinese complementary school
J Huang - Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines diasporic language ecology based on a sociolinguistic study of a
Chinese complementary school (CCS) in Birmingham, England. The study applies a …
Chinese complementary school (CCS) in Birmingham, England. The study applies a …
The construction of British Chinese educational success: exploring the shifting discourses in educational debate, and their effects
The high achievement of British Chinese students in the British education system is
established in the official literature and has recently been subject to increased attention and …
established in the official literature and has recently been subject to increased attention and …
Educational entrepreneurship in Australian community languages schools: An analysis of ethnic principals' experience and practice
HZ Shen, H Yang - Cogent Education, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Educational entrepreneurship refers to the competence of educational entrepreneurs in
making changes and taking initiatives in vision-driven innovation and value creation …
making changes and taking initiatives in vision-driven innovation and value creation …
Chapter 3. Chinese complementary schools in Scotland and the Continua of Biliteracy
A Hancock - Learning Chinese in diasporic communities: Many …, 2014 - degruyter.com
This chapter employs Hornberger's Continua of Biliteracy as an analytical framework to
critically engage with the Chinese complementary school phenomena in Scotland. It begins …
critically engage with the Chinese complementary school phenomena in Scotland. It begins …