'I was surprised to see you in a Chinese school': Researching multilingually opportunities and challenges in community-based research

S Ganassin, P Holmes - Applied linguistics, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Researchers working in multilingual contexts must draw on their own linguistic resources
when conceptualizing, planning, conducting, and reporting their studies, whether for theses …

[BOOK][B] Language, culture and identity in two Chinese community schools: More than one way of being Chinese?

S Ganassin - 2020 - books.google.com
This book investigates the social, political and educational role of community language
education in migratory contexts. It draws on an ethnographic study that investigates the …

Parents' and teachers' constructions of the purposes of Chinese complementary schooling:'culture', identity and power

B Francis, L Archer, A Mau - Race Ethnicity and Education, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
User perceptions and experiences of complementary education are neglected in the
research literature, yet they are important in providing understanding concerning …

Teachers' language use in United Kingdom Chinese community schools: Implications for heritage-language education

A Yiakoumetti - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
This study deals with teachers' language use as it is manifested in community-based
heritage-language classes. Specifically, it focuses on the functions of students' dominant …

The culture project: Diasporic negotiations of ethnicity, identity and culture among teachers, pupils and parents in Chinese language schools

L Archer, B Francis, A Mau - Oxford Review of Education, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Notions of culture, ethnicity and identity are highly political (and also personally meaningful)
issues within diasporic communities. Complementary schools are particularly interesting …

'Boring and stressful'or 'ideal'learning spaces? Pupils' constructions of teaching and learning in Chinese supplementary schools

L Archer, B Francis, A Mau - Research Papers in Education, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Chinese supplementary schools have been accused of having 'old‐fashioned'and
ineffective teaching methods, with most teaching being undertaken by 'unqualified'volunteer …

A shifting standard: a stratified ideological ecology in a Birmingham Chinese complementary school

J Huang - Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines diasporic language ecology based on a sociolinguistic study of a
Chinese complementary school (CCS) in Birmingham, England. The study applies a …

The construction of British Chinese educational success: exploring the shifting discourses in educational debate, and their effects

B Francis, A Mau, L Archer - Asian Migration and Education …, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
The high achievement of British Chinese students in the British education system is
established in the official literature and has recently been subject to increased attention and …

Educational entrepreneurship in Australian community languages schools: An analysis of ethnic principals' experience and practice

HZ Shen, H Yang - Cogent Education, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Educational entrepreneurship refers to the competence of educational entrepreneurs in
making changes and taking initiatives in vision-driven innovation and value creation …

Chapter 3. Chinese complementary schools in Scotland and the Continua of Biliteracy

A Hancock - Learning Chinese in diasporic communities: Many …, 2014 - degruyter.com
This chapter employs Hornberger's Continua of Biliteracy as an analytical framework to
critically engage with the Chinese complementary school phenomena in Scotland. It begins …