Snakebite: When the human touch becomes a bad touch
BG Fry - Toxins, 2018 -
Many issues and complications in treating snakebite are a result of poor human social,
economic and clinical intervention and management. As such, there is scope for significant …
economic and clinical intervention and management. As such, there is scope for significant …
Inflammatory progression in patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Y Yao, H Kang, Y Cheng, X Su… - Current Molecular …, 2024 -
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is identified as a novel therapeutic strategy
that offers short-term support to the metabolism of the heart and lungs in humans. Recently …
that offers short-term support to the metabolism of the heart and lungs in humans. Recently …
Dynamic genetic differentiation drives the widespread structural and functional convergent evolution of snake venom proteinaceous toxins
Background The explosive radiation and diversification of the advanced snakes (superfamily
Colubroidea) was associated with changes in all aspects of the shared venom system …
Colubroidea) was associated with changes in all aspects of the shared venom system …
Coagulotoxicity of Bothrops (Lancehead Pit-Vipers) Venoms from Brazil: Differential Biochemistry and Antivenom Efficacy Resulting from Prey-Driven Venom …
Lancehead pit-vipers (Bothrops genus) are an extremely diverse and medically important
group responsible for the greatest number of snakebite envenomations and deaths in South …
group responsible for the greatest number of snakebite envenomations and deaths in South …
Resistance Is not futile: widespread convergent evolution of resistance to alpha-neurotoxic snake venoms in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)
Predatory innovations impose reciprocal selection pressures upon prey. The evolution of
snake venom alpha-neurotoxins has triggered the corresponding evolution of resistance in …
snake venom alpha-neurotoxins has triggered the corresponding evolution of resistance in …
[HTML][HTML] From venom to vein: Factor VII activation as a major pathophysiological target for procoagulant Australian elapid snake venoms
U Chandrasekara, A Chowdhury, L Seneci… - Toxins, 2024 -
Australian elapid snake venoms are uniquely procoagulant, utilizing blood clotting enzyme
Factor Xa (FXa) as a toxin, which evolved as a basal trait in this clade. The subsequent …
Factor Xa (FXa) as a toxin, which evolved as a basal trait in this clade. The subsequent …
[HTML][HTML] The Contrasting Effects of Bothrops lanceolatus and Bothrops atrox Venom on Procoagulant Activity and Thrombus Stability under Blood Flow Conditions
F Radouani, P Jalta, C Rapon, C Lezin, C Branford… - Toxins, 2024 -
Background: Consumption coagulopathy and hemorrhagic syndrome are the typical
features of Bothrops sp. snake envenoming. In contrast, B. lanceolatus envenoming can …
features of Bothrops sp. snake envenoming. In contrast, B. lanceolatus envenoming can …
Electrostatic resistance to alpha-neurotoxins conferred by charge reversal mutations in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
The evolution of venom resistance through coevolutionary chemical arms races has arisen
multiple times throughout animalia. Prior documentation of resistance to snake venom α …
multiple times throughout animalia. Prior documentation of resistance to snake venom α …
Venom-induced blood disturbances by palearctic viperid snakes, and their relative neutralization by antivenoms and enzyme-inhibitors
Palearctic vipers are medically significant snakes in the genera Daboia, Macrovipera,
Montivipera, and Vipera which occur throughout Europe, Central Asia, Near and Middle …
Montivipera, and Vipera which occur throughout Europe, Central Asia, Near and Middle …
A clot twist: extreme variation in coagulotoxicity mechanisms in Mexican neotropical rattlesnake venoms
Rattlesnakes are a diverse clade of pit vipers (snake family Viperidae, subfamily Crotalinae)
that consists of numerous medically significant species. We used validated in vitro assays …
that consists of numerous medically significant species. We used validated in vitro assays …