Effect of particle shape on the mechanical behavior of natural sands
A database of the mechanical behavior of 25 natural sands was compiled from the existing
literature. Particle shape and size analysis, obtained by dynamic imaging analysis, for each …
literature. Particle shape and size analysis, obtained by dynamic imaging analysis, for each …
[ספר][B] Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: application
DM Potts, L Zdravković, TI Addenbrooke, KG Higgins… - 2001 - icevirtuallibrary.com
All rights, including translation, reserved. Except as permitted by the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system …
Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system …
Finite-element modelling of laterally loaded piles in a dense marine sand at Dunkirk
The paper presents the development of a three-dimensional finite-element model for pile
tests in dense Dunkirk sand, conducted as part of the PISA project. The project was aimed at …
tests in dense Dunkirk sand, conducted as part of the PISA project. The project was aimed at …
On the applicability of cross-anisotropic elasticity to granular materials at very small strains
The paper examines the validity of assuming that granular material behaviour can be
considered as cross-anisotropic, linear elastic, within a kinematic 'kernel'yield surface that is …
considered as cross-anisotropic, linear elastic, within a kinematic 'kernel'yield surface that is …
Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand
Piles driven in sand can show remarkable increases in their axial shaft capacities in the
months that follow installation. Many practical benefits follow if service capacities can be …
months that follow installation. Many practical benefits follow if service capacities can be …
Ground characterisation for PISA pile testing and analysis
This paper is the first of a set of linked publications on the PISA Joint Industry Research
Project, which was concerned with the development of improved design methods for …
Project, which was concerned with the development of improved design methods for …
An improved direct shear apparatus for sand
A conventional direct shear apparatus (DSA) has been modified to improve its articulation by
moving the point of shear load application to the sample centre. Jewell's symmetrical …
moving the point of shear load application to the sample centre. Jewell's symmetrical …
[HTML][HTML] Behaviour of displacement piles in sand under cyclic axial loading
Field experiments have demonstrated that piles driven into sand can respond to axial cyclic
loading in Stable, Unstable or Meta-Stable ways, depending on the combinations of mean …
loading in Stable, Unstable or Meta-Stable ways, depending on the combinations of mean …
[HTML][HTML] Field axial cyclic loading experiments on piles driven in sand
Multiple axial cyclic and static loading tests have been performed on industrial steel pipe-
piles driven at Dunkerque, northern France. This paper describes the site's geotechnical …
piles driven at Dunkerque, northern France. This paper describes the site's geotechnical …
Micromechanics-based stress–strain behaviour of soils at small strains
A model that describes the small-strain behaviour of soils is derived using micromechanics
theory. The model allows examination of the effects of fabric anisotropy, stress conditions …
theory. The model allows examination of the effects of fabric anisotropy, stress conditions …