[HTML][HTML] Abundance, fate, and effects of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aquatic environments

AS Adeleye, J Xue, Y Zhao, AA Taylor… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2022 - Elsevier
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are found in wastewater, and thus,
the environment. In this study, current knowledge about the occurrence and fate of PPCPs in …

Wastewater treatment in the pulp-and-paper industry: A review of treatment processes and the associated greenhouse gas emission

O Ashrafi, L Yerushalmi, F Haghighat - Journal of environmental …, 2015 - Elsevier
Pulp-and-paper mills produce various types of contaminants and a significant amount of
wastewater depending on the type of processes used in the plant. Since the generated …

Pharmaceutical industry wastewater: review of the technologies for water treatment and reuse

C Gadipelly, A Pérez-González, GD Yadav… - Industrial & …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Pharmaceutical compounds are typically produced in batch processes leading to the
presence of a wide variety of products in wastewaters which are generated in different …

Treatment options for wastewater effluents from pharmaceutical companies

AM Deegan, B Shaik, K Nolan, K Urell… - International Journal of …, 2011 - Springer
In recent years, concerns about the occurrence and fate of active pharmaceutical
ingredients, solvents, intermediates and raw materials that could be present in water and …

Degradation of tetracycline antibiotics by Arthrobacter nicotianae OTC-16

Y Shi, H Lin, J Ma, R Zhu, W Sun, X Lin, J Zhang… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2021 - Elsevier
Microbial degradation is an important option for combating antibiotic pollution. Arthrobacter
nicotianae OTC-16 was isolated as a novel tetracycline-degrading bacterium, which could …

Performance of wastewater treatment during variable temperature

HAO Alisawi - Applied Water Science, 2020 - Springer
The general aims of the biological treatment of wastewater (BTW) are to convert (ie,
oxidizes) dissolved and particulate decomposable elements into satisfactory end products …

A review on characterization and bioremediation of pharmaceutical industries' wastewater: an Indian perspective

RS Rana, P Singh, V Kandari, R Singh, R Dobhal… - Applied water …, 2017 - Springer
During the past few decades, pharmaceutical industries have registered a quantum jump
contributing to high economic growth, but simultaneously it has also given rise to severe …

Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater by combination of electrocoagulation, electro-fenton and photocatalytic oxidation processes

GB Dindaş, Y Çalışkan, EE Celebi, M Tekbaş… - Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
The wastewaters produced in many different operations in the pharmaceutical industry are
considered as an environmental problem because of their hazardous and potential for …

Effect of process temperature on bacterial and archaeal communities in two methanogenic bioreactors treating organic household waste

L Levén, ARB Eriksson… - FEMS microbiology …, 2007 - academic.oup.com
The bacterial and archaeal community structure was examined in two methanogenic
anaerobic digestion processes degrading organic household waste at mesophilic (37° C) …

Factors affecting the removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater in conventional treatment plants (CTP) and membrane bioreactors (MBR)

M Cirja, P Ivashechkin, A Schäffer… - Reviews in Environmental …, 2008 - Springer
As a consequence of insufficient removal during treatment of wastewater released from
industry and households, different classes of organic micropollutants are nowadays …