Graph mining: Laws, generators, and algorithms
How does the Web look? How could we tell an abnormal social network from a normal one?
These and similar questions are important in many fields where the data can intuitively be …
These and similar questions are important in many fields where the data can intuitively be …
Graph metrics for network robustness—a survey
Research on the robustness of networks, and in particular the Internet, has gained critical
importance in recent decades because more and more individuals, societies and firms rely …
importance in recent decades because more and more individuals, societies and firms rely …
The internet topology zoo
The study of network topology has attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade, but
has been hampered by a lack of accurate data. Existing methods for measuring topology …
has been hampered by a lack of accurate data. Existing methods for measuring topology …
Measuring ISP topologies with Rocketfuel
To date, realistic ISP topologies have not been accessible to the research community,
leaving work that depends on topology on an uncertain footing. In this paper, we present …
leaving work that depends on topology on an uncertain footing. In this paper, we present …
Measuring ISP topologies with Rocketfuel
To date, realistic ISP topologies have not been accessible to the research community,
leaving work that depends on topology on an uncertain footing. In this paper, we present …
leaving work that depends on topology on an uncertain footing. In this paper, we present …
The rich-club phenomenon in the internet topology
We show that the Internet topology at the autonomous system (AS) level has a rich-club
phenomenon. The rich nodes, which are a small number of nodes with large numbers of …
phenomenon. The rich nodes, which are a small number of nodes with large numbers of …
Resisting structural re-identification in anonymized social networks
We identify privacy risks associated with releasing network data sets and provide an
algorithm that mitigates those risks. A network consists of entities connected by links …
algorithm that mitigates those risks. A network consists of entities connected by links …
Systematic topology analysis and generation using degree correlations
Researchers have proposed a variety of metrics to measure important graph properties, for
instance, in social, biological, and computer networks. Values for a particular graph metric …
instance, in social, biological, and computer networks. Values for a particular graph metric …
A first-principles approach to understanding the internet's router-level topology
A detailed understanding of the many facets of the Internet's topological structure is critical
for evaluating the performance of networking protocols, for assessing the effectiveness of …
for evaluating the performance of networking protocols, for assessing the effectiveness of …
Power laws and the AS-level Internet topology
We study and characterize the topology of the Internet at the autonomous system (AS) level.
First, we show that the topology can be described efficiently with power laws. The elegance …
First, we show that the topology can be described efficiently with power laws. The elegance …