The function and evolution of child-directed communication
Humans communicate with small children in unusual and highly conspicuous ways (child-
directed communication (CDC)), which enhance social bonding and facilitate language …
directed communication (CDC)), which enhance social bonding and facilitate language …
The cognitive foundations of ostensive-inferential communication: Insight from the study of non-human primates' communication
A Chiera - Introducing Evolutionary Pragmatics, 2024 -
This chapter is set against the background of one of the most important pragmatic models of
language: the ostensive-inferential model advanced by Sperber and Wilson (1986) with …
language: the ostensive-inferential model advanced by Sperber and Wilson (1986) with …
Revisiting the human 'interaction engine': comparative approaches to social action coordination
The evolution of language was likely facilitated by a special predisposition for social
interaction, involving a set of communicative and cognitive skills summarized as the …
interaction, involving a set of communicative and cognitive skills summarized as the …
Sequence organization and embodied mutual orientations: openings of social interactions between baboons
Human interactions are organized in sequence, which is a key component of Levinson's
'interaction engine.'Referring back to the field where it originated, conversation analysis, we …
'interaction engine.'Referring back to the field where it originated, conversation analysis, we …
Wild and captive immature orangutans differ in their non-vocal communication with others, but not with their mothers
In many group-living species, individuals are required to flexibly modify their communicative
behaviour in response to current social challenges. To unravel whether sociality and …
behaviour in response to current social challenges. To unravel whether sociality and …
Conversation and the evolution of metacognition
RJ Planer - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, 2023 -
While the term “metacognition” is sometimes used to refer to any form of thinking about
thinking, in cognitive psychology, it is typically reserved for thinking about one's own …
thinking, in cognitive psychology, it is typically reserved for thinking about one's own …
Reimagining language: Towards a better understanding of language by including our interactions with non-humans
What is language and who or what can be said to have it? In this essay we consider this
question in the context of interactions with non-humans, specifically: animals and computers …
question in the context of interactions with non-humans, specifically: animals and computers …
Flexibility of Gestural Production in Captive Groups of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii), and Siamangs (Symphalangus …
Across species, communication systems may differ in their levels of flexibility, but
comparisons are challenging, because flexibility is not operationalized in a consistent way …
comparisons are challenging, because flexibility is not operationalized in a consistent way …
What can metacognition teach us about the evolution of communication?
J Proust - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, 2023 -
It is often emphasized that the study of language evolution requires a cooperation between
researchers working on different aspects of the problem. 1 In the rapidly growing literature …
researchers working on different aspects of the problem. 1 In the rapidly growing literature …
Insight from the study of non-human primates' communication
A Chiera - … Pragmatics: How Language Emerges from Use, 2024 -
Human language has been widely conceived as a unique trait in the animal kingdom. While
a long tradition has tied this uniqueness to language compositional structure stressing code …
a long tradition has tied this uniqueness to language compositional structure stressing code …