Super-resolution Laser Machining
Super-resolution laser machining represents a cutting-edge advancement in precision
manufacturing, striving to approach or even exceed the optical diffraction limit to produce …
manufacturing, striving to approach or even exceed the optical diffraction limit to produce …
Mesoscale Polymer Surfactants: Photolithographic Production and Localization at Droplet Interfaces
Stabilization of fluid droplets, classically as oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions, is typically
conducted using molecular surfactants or small particulates that localize at oil–water …
conducted using molecular surfactants or small particulates that localize at oil–water …
Plastic Morphological Response to Spectral Shifts during Inorganic Phototropic Growth
Plants exhibit phototropism in which growth is directed toward sunlight and demonstrate
morphological plasticity in response to changes in the spectral distribution of the incident …
morphological plasticity in response to changes in the spectral distribution of the incident …
Assessing Effects of Near-Field Synergistic Light Absorption on Ordered Inorganic Phototropic Growth
We report herein that synergistic light absorption in the optical near-field enables nanoscale
self-organization during inorganic phototropic growth. Se–Te was grown electrochemically …
self-organization during inorganic phototropic growth. Se–Te was grown electrochemically …
Inclination of polarized illumination increases symmetry of structures grown via inorganic phototropism
Inclination of unpatterned, linearly polarized illumination in the plane of the electric field
oscillation effected increased directional feature alignment and decreased off-axis order in …
oscillation effected increased directional feature alignment and decreased off-axis order in …
Path-Dependent Morphological Evolution of Se–Te Mesostructures Prepared by Inorganic Phototropic Growth
We describe herein a path-dependent “history” effect wherein the film morphology
generated in the second step of a two-step inorganic phototropic growth process depends …
generated in the second step of a two-step inorganic phototropic growth process depends …
Structural Analysis of Hydrothermal Assisted Growth of High-Qualities CdSe Nano-Powders for Efficient Radiation Detection
The nanostructured powders of cadmium selenide semiconductor were prepared
hydrothermally using two synthesis protocols, after which they were annealed at 200° C for …
hydrothermally using two synthesis protocols, after which they were annealed at 200° C for …
Increased spatial randomness and disorder of nucleates in dark-phase electrodeposition lead to increased spatial order and pattern fidelity in phototropically grown …
E Simonoff, LX Van Muñoz, NS Lewis - Nanoscale, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
The role of nucleation was investigated during phototropic growth of Se–Te. Under low
levels of mass deposition (mass equivalent of− 3.75 mC cm− 2 of charge passed) that …
levels of mass deposition (mass equivalent of− 3.75 mC cm− 2 of charge passed) that …
Strongly enhanced propagation and non-reciprocal properties of CdSe nanowire based on hybrid nanostructures at communication wavelength of 1550 nm
Y Cheng, Y Zhang, M Sun - Optics Communications, 2022 - Elsevier
We theoretically investigate the propagation and non-reciprocal properties of cadmium
selenide (CdSe) nanowire (NW), and achieve strongly field enhancement at communication …
selenide (CdSe) nanowire (NW), and achieve strongly field enhancement at communication …
Preseeded Optical Scatterers as a Template for Enhancing Order in Inorganic Phototropic Growth
E Simonoff, JR Thompson, MC Meier… - The Journal of …, 2021 - ACS Publications
Lithographically patterned substrates were used as templates of optical scatterers that
seeded the inorganic phototropic growth of Se–Te. Relative to films grown on nominally …
seeded the inorganic phototropic growth of Se–Te. Relative to films grown on nominally …