The global monsoon across time scales: Mechanisms and outstanding issues

PX Wang, B Wang, H Cheng, J Fasullo, ZT Guo… - Earth-Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
The present paper addresses driving mechanisms of global monsoon (GM) variability and
outstanding issues in GM science. This is the second synthesis of the PAGES GM Working …

Palaeoclimatic records of the loess/palaeosol sequences of the Chinese Loess Plateau

BA Maher - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Whether during past climate stages or into a progressively warming world, changes in
precipitation constitute a key component of climatic change. Quantitative proxies for palaeo …

Deglacial Indian monsoon failure and North Atlantic stadials linked by Indian Ocean surface cooling

JE Tierney, FSR Pausata, P Demenocal - Nature Geoscience, 2016 -
The Indian monsoon, the largest monsoon system on Earth, responds to remote climatic
forcings, including temperature changes in the North Atlantic,. The monsoon was weak …

Orbital-scale climate variability in Arabia as a potential motor for human dispersals

A Parton, TS White, AG Parker, PS Breeze… - Quaternary …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The Arabian Peninsula is situated at an important crossroads for the movement of
Pleistocene human populations out of, and into, Africa. Although the timings, routes and …

Environments and Cultural Change in the Indian Subcontinent: Implications for the Dispersal of Homo sapiens in the Late Pleistocene

J Blinkhorn, MD Petraglia - Current Anthropology, 2017 -
The Indian subcontinent lies on a key east-west corridor for hominin expansions across
Asia, which has led to it playing a prominent role in debate surrounding the dispersal of …

Variations of primary productivity in the northwestern Arabian Sea during the last 23,000 years and their paleoclimatological implications

X Zhou, S Duchamp‐Alphonse… - Paleoceanography …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Arabian Sea (AS) is one of the most productive oceanic regions in the world
due to several monsoon‐related processes that can increase nutrients contents in the …

Millennial to orbital scale Indian summer monsoon evolution inferred from grain size end-members in Tengchongbeihai wetland, southwestern China

D Ning, X **ao, S Tang, Y Xu, X Kuai, Y Ge… - Quaternary Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
Understanding the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) variabilities under different climatic
constraints on various timescales is crucial for socio-economic stabilization within the …

Is Chinese stalagmite δ18O solely controlled by the Indian summer monsoon?

D Li, L Tan, Y Cai, X Jiang, L Ma, H Cheng… - Climate Dynamics, 2019 - Springer
As a unique continental archive, speleothem has been widely used in reconstructing
paleoclimate change. However, the interpretation of Chinese speleothems δ 18 O has …

Southern Ocean sea ice and frontal changes during the Late Quaternary and their linkages to Asian summer monsoon

A Nair, R Mohan, X Crosta, MC Manoj… - Quaternary Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
The present study documents the interactions between Southern Hemisphere high-latitude
(Antarctica & Southern Ocean), southern Indian Ocean subtropics (Agulhas leakage) and …

A multi-proxy analysis of Late Quaternary ocean and climate variability for the Maldives, Inner Sea

D Bunzel, G Schmiedl, S Lindhorst… - Climate of the …, 2017 -
As a natural sediment trap, the marine sediments of the sheltered central part of the
Maldives Inner Sea represent an exceptional archive for paleoenvironmental and climate …