[HTML][HTML] Isothermal decomposition of austenite in presence of martensite in advanced high strength steels: A review
The development of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process has prompted an interest
in the process of isothermal transformation in presence of a pre-existing phase such as …
in the process of isothermal transformation in presence of a pre-existing phase such as …
Mechanical properties of nanostructured bainitic steels
Nanostructured bainitic steels possess ultra-high strength and have been the focus of
extensive research due to their suitability in many demanding engineering applications …
extensive research due to their suitability in many demanding engineering applications …
Variant selection and intervariant crystallographic planes distribution in martensite in a Ti–6Al–4V alloy
The transformation texture was studied in a Ti–6Al–4V alloy for two microstructures
produced through different phase transformation mechanisms (ie diffusional vs. displacive) …
produced through different phase transformation mechanisms (ie diffusional vs. displacive) …
[HTML][HTML] Current development of carbide free bainitic and retained austenite on wear resistance in high silicon steel
A pragmatic shift has been ongoing for the metal development of industrialization for the last
several decades. In various engineering and industrial applications, there is a high demand …
several decades. In various engineering and industrial applications, there is a high demand …
Effect of prior martensite on bainite transformation in nanobainite steel
Nanobainite transformation behavior was comparably studied using in situ neutron
diffraction measurements, scanning electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction …
diffraction measurements, scanning electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction …
The role of chromium content in the long-term atmospheric corrosion process
The corrosion of alloy steels with different amounts of Cr was studied using electrochemical
tests, wet–dry cycle corrosion, X-ray diffraction, and Kelvin probe force microscopy. The …
tests, wet–dry cycle corrosion, X-ray diffraction, and Kelvin probe force microscopy. The …
[HTML][HTML] The combining effects of ausforming and below-Ms or above-Ms austempering on the transformation kinetics, microstructure and mechanical properties of low …
The isothermal transformation kinetics, microstructure and mechanical properties of a low-
carbon bainitic steel, subjected to below-Ms/above-Ms austempering with or without prior …
carbon bainitic steel, subjected to below-Ms/above-Ms austempering with or without prior …
Effect of ausforming temperature on bainite morphology in a 3.2% Si carbide-free bainitic steel
The effect of ausforming temperatures on bainite morphology was investigated on a newly
developed carbide-free high-silicon steel. High plastic deformation (30%) was applied to …
developed carbide-free high-silicon steel. High plastic deformation (30%) was applied to …
Stress or strain induced martensitic and bainitic transformations during ausforming processes
The so-called ausforming treatment consists in plastically deforming a fully austenitized steel
below the recrystallization stop temperature, prior to either a martensitic or a bainitic …
below the recrystallization stop temperature, prior to either a martensitic or a bainitic …
Accelerating bainite transformation by concurrent pearlite formation in a medium Mn steel: Experiments and modelling
Bainite transformation has yet to be utilized and even thoroughly studied in medium Mn
steels. Here, we investigate the isothermal bainite transformation in a 10Mn steel at 450° C …
steels. Here, we investigate the isothermal bainite transformation in a 10Mn steel at 450° C …