The development and validation of the game user experience satisfaction scale (GUESS)
MH Phan, JR Keebler, BS Chaparro - Human factors, 2016 -
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically validate a new
instrument that comprehensively measures video game satisfaction based on key factors …
instrument that comprehensively measures video game satisfaction based on key factors …
Politeness in human–robot interaction: a multi-experiment study with non-humanoid robots
We studied politeness in human–robot interaction based on Lakoff's politeness theory. In a
series of eight studies, we manipulated three different levels of politeness of non-humanoid …
series of eight studies, we manipulated three different levels of politeness of non-humanoid …
” Chat Has No Chill”: A Novel Physiological Interaction For Engaging Live Streaming Audiences
RB Robinson, R Rheeder, M Klarkowski… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 -
Now more than ever, people are using online platforms to communicate. Twitch, the
foremost platform for live game streaming, offers many communication modalities. However …
foremost platform for live game streaming, offers many communication modalities. However …
When game becomes life: The creators and spectators of online game replays and live streaming
Online gaming franchises such as World of Tanks, Defense of the Ancients, and StarCraft
have attracted hundreds of millions of users who, apart from playing the game, also socialize …
have attracted hundreds of millions of users who, apart from playing the game, also socialize …
[CARTE][B] Towards game translation user research
This Element takes the initiative to highlight the nascent state of audiovisual translation
research centring on users of video games. It proposes ways of advancing the research by …
research centring on users of video games. It proposes ways of advancing the research by …
Teaching patients with advanced cancer to self-advocate: Development and acceptability of the Strong Together™ serious game
TH Thomas, M McLaughlin, M Hayden… - Games for health …, 2019 -
Objective: Serious games are a growing form of psychoeducation, although few studies
have evaluated serious games for patients with advanced cancer. The purpose of this study …
have evaluated serious games for patients with advanced cancer. The purpose of this study …
Audience experience in social videogaming: effects of turn expectation and game physicality
Videogames are often played socially with both co-players and audiences. Audience
members' experiences are not well understood, nor are the factors of videogaming sessions …
members' experiences are not well understood, nor are the factors of videogaming sessions …
Map** game mechanics for learning in a serious game for the energy transition
C Ampatzidou, K Gugerell - … Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 2019 -
The integration of learning goals with game mechanics in serious games used in urban and
spatial planning processes has the potential to enable game designers and planners to …
spatial planning processes has the potential to enable game designers and planners to …
Iterative design and testing for the development of a game-based chlamydia awareness intervention: a pilot study
R Jiang, J McKanna, S Calabrese… - Games for Health …, 2017 -
Objectives: Herein we describe a methodology for develo** a game-based intervention to
raise awareness of Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections among youth in …
raise awareness of Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections among youth in …
Applying and Visualising Complex Models in Esport Broadcast Coverage
Esports has become a popular field of research, enabling advances in areas such as
machine learning and environment modeling. However, complex modeling systems require …
machine learning and environment modeling. However, complex modeling systems require …