The development and validation of the game user experience satisfaction scale (GUESS)

MH Phan, JR Keebler, BS Chaparro - Human factors, 2016 -
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically validate a new
instrument that comprehensively measures video game satisfaction based on key factors …

Politeness in human–robot interaction: a multi-experiment study with non-humanoid robots

S Kumar, E Itzhak, Y Edan, G Nimrod… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
We studied politeness in human–robot interaction based on Lakoff's politeness theory. In a
series of eight studies, we manipulated three different levels of politeness of non-humanoid …

” Chat Has No Chill”: A Novel Physiological Interaction For Engaging Live Streaming Audiences

RB Robinson, R Rheeder, M Klarkowski… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 -
Now more than ever, people are using online platforms to communicate. Twitch, the
foremost platform for live game streaming, offers many communication modalities. However …

When game becomes life: The creators and spectators of online game replays and live streaming

AL Jia, S Shen, DHJ Epema, A Iosup - ACM Transactions on Multimedia …, 2016 -
Online gaming franchises such as World of Tanks, Defense of the Ancients, and StarCraft
have attracted hundreds of millions of users who, apart from playing the game, also socialize …

[CARTE][B] Towards game translation user research

M Deckert, KW Hejduk, MÁ Bernal-Merino - 2024 -
This Element takes the initiative to highlight the nascent state of audiovisual translation
research centring on users of video games. It proposes ways of advancing the research by …

Teaching patients with advanced cancer to self-advocate: Development and acceptability of the Strong Together™ serious game

TH Thomas, M McLaughlin, M Hayden… - Games for health …, 2019 -
Objective: Serious games are a growing form of psychoeducation, although few studies
have evaluated serious games for patients with advanced cancer. The purpose of this study …

Audience experience in social videogaming: effects of turn expectation and game physicality

J Downs, F Vetere, S Howard, S Loughnan… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 -
Videogames are often played socially with both co-players and audiences. Audience
members' experiences are not well understood, nor are the factors of videogaming sessions …

Map** game mechanics for learning in a serious game for the energy transition

C Ampatzidou, K Gugerell - … Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 2019 -
The integration of learning goals with game mechanics in serious games used in urban and
spatial planning processes has the potential to enable game designers and planners to …

Iterative design and testing for the development of a game-based chlamydia awareness intervention: a pilot study

R Jiang, J McKanna, S Calabrese… - Games for Health …, 2017 -
Objectives: Herein we describe a methodology for develo** a game-based intervention to
raise awareness of Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections among youth in …

Applying and Visualising Complex Models in Esport Broadcast Coverage

A Pedrassoli Chitayat, F Block, JA Walker… - Proceedings of the 2024 …, 2024 -
Esports has become a popular field of research, enabling advances in areas such as
machine learning and environment modeling. However, complex modeling systems require …