Metaheuristic algorithms for PID controller parameters tuning: Review, approaches and open problems
The simplicity, transparency, reliability, high efficiency and robust nature of PID controllers
are some of the reasons for their high popularity and acceptance for control in process …
are some of the reasons for their high popularity and acceptance for control in process …
A review of recent developments in autotuning methods for fractional-order controllers
The scientific community has recently seen a fast-growing number of publications tackling
the topic of fractional-order controllers in general, with a focus on the fractional order PID …
the topic of fractional-order controllers in general, with a focus on the fractional order PID …
Reinforcement learning approach to autonomous PID tuning
Many industrial processes utilize proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers due to
their practicality and often satisfactory performance. The proper controller parameters …
their practicality and often satisfactory performance. The proper controller parameters …
Exploration of underwater life with an acoustically controlled soft robotic fish
Closeup exploration of underwater life requires new forms of interaction, using biomimetic
creatures that are capable of agile swimming maneuvers, equipped with cameras, and …
creatures that are capable of agile swimming maneuvers, equipped with cameras, and …
[KNJIGA][B] PID control system design and automatic tuning using MATLAB/Simulink
L Wang - 2020 -
Covers PID control systems from the very basics to the advanced topics This book covers the
design, implementation and automatic tuning of PID control systems with operational …
design, implementation and automatic tuning of PID control systems with operational …
Flexible high-resolution object detection on edge devices with tunable latency
Object detection is a fundamental building block of video analytics applications. While
Neural Networks (NNs)-based object detection models have shown excellent accuracy on …
Neural Networks (NNs)-based object detection models have shown excellent accuracy on …
[KNJIGA][B] Practical PID control
A Visioli - 2006 -
Proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controllers are the most adopted controllers in
industrial settings because of the advantageous cost/benefit ratio they are able to provide …
industrial settings because of the advantageous cost/benefit ratio they are able to provide …
[HTML][HTML] Making the PI and PID controller tuning inspired by Ziegler and Nichols precise and reliable
This paper deals with the design of a DC motor speed control implemented by an embedded
controller. The design is simple and brings some important changes to the traditional Ziegler …
controller. The design is simple and brings some important changes to the traditional Ziegler …
Robust sliding-mode control design for a voltage regulated quadratic boost converter
A robust controller design to obtain output voltage regulation in a quadratic boost converter
with high dc gain is discussed in this paper. The proposed controller has an inner loop …
with high dc gain is discussed in this paper. The proposed controller has an inner loop …
An improved neural network algorithm to efficiently track various trajectories of robot manipulator arms
The tuning of the robot actuator represents many challenges to follow a predefined trajectory
on account of the uncertainties of parameters and the model nonlinearity. Furthermore, the …
on account of the uncertainties of parameters and the model nonlinearity. Furthermore, the …