Trust management system design for the Internet of Things: A context-aware and multi-service approach
This work proposes a new trust management system (TMS) for the Internet of Things (IoT).
The wide majority of these systems are today bound to the assessment of trustworthiness …
The wide majority of these systems are today bound to the assessment of trustworthiness …
[KNJIGA][B] Advances in elliptic curve cryptography
IF Blake, G Seroussi, NP Smart - 2005 -
Since the appearance of the authors' first volume on elliptic curve cryptography in 1999
there has been tremendous progress in the field. In some topics, particularly point counting …
there has been tremendous progress in the field. In some topics, particularly point counting …
Secure proxy signature schemes for delegation of signing rights
A proxy signature scheme permits an entity to delegate its signing rights to another. These
schemes have been suggested for use in numerous applications, particularly in distributed …
schemes have been suggested for use in numerous applications, particularly in distributed …
Certificateless signature and proxy signature schemes from bilinear pairings
X Li, K Chen, L Sun - Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 2005 - Springer
Due to avoiding the inherent escrow of identity-based cryptography and yet not requiring
certificates to guarantee the authenticity of public keys, certificateless public key …
certificates to guarantee the authenticity of public keys, certificateless public key …
A certificate-based signature scheme
BG Kang, JH Park, SG Hahn - Cryptographers' Track at the RSA …, 2004 - Springer
In this paper, we propose the security notion of certificate-based signature that uses the
same parameters and certificate revocation strategy as the encryption scheme presented at …
same parameters and certificate revocation strategy as the encryption scheme presented at …
Two improved partially blind signature schemes from bilinear pairings
A blind signature scheme is a protocol for obtaining a digital signature from a signer, but the
signer can neither learn the messages he/she sign nor the signatures the recipients obtain …
signer can neither learn the messages he/she sign nor the signatures the recipients obtain …
A survey of ring signature
L Wang, G Zhang, C Ma - Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering …, 2008 - Springer
Ring signature allows specifying a set of possible signers without revealing which member
actually produces the signature. This concept was first formalized in 2001 by Rivest, Shamir …
actually produces the signature. This concept was first formalized in 2001 by Rivest, Shamir …
ID-based ring signature and proxy ring signature schemes from bilinear pairings
AK Awasthi, S Lal - arxiv preprint cs/0504097, 2005 -
In 2001, Rivest et al. firstly introduced the concept of ring signatures. A ring signature is a
simplified group signature without any manager. It protects the anonymity of a signer. The …
simplified group signature without any manager. It protects the anonymity of a signer. The …
A short linearly homomorphic proxy signature scheme
Linearly homomorphic signature schemes allow the performance of linear computations on
authenticated data. They are important primitives for many applications, such as electronic …
authenticated data. They are important primitives for many applications, such as electronic …
Identity based threshold ring signature
In threshold ring signature schemes, any group of t entities spontaneously conscript
arbitrarily n–t entities to generate a publicly verifiable t-out-of-n signature on behalf of the …
arbitrarily n–t entities to generate a publicly verifiable t-out-of-n signature on behalf of the …