Neuroevolution in deep neural networks: Current trends and future challenges
A variety of methods have been applied to the architectural configuration and learning or
training of artificial deep neural networks (DNN). These methods play a crucial role in the …
training of artificial deep neural networks (DNN). These methods play a crucial role in the …
The surprising creativity of digital evolution: A collection of anecdotes from the evolutionary computation and artificial life research communities
Evolution provides a creative fount of complex and subtle adaptations that often surprise the
scientists who discover them. However, the creativity of evolution is not limited to the natural …
scientists who discover them. However, the creativity of evolution is not limited to the natural …
Neutral genetic drift: an investigation using cartesian genetic programming
AJ Turner, JF Miller - Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2015 - Springer
Neutral genetic drift is an evolutionary mechanism which can strongly aid the escape from
local optima. This makes neutral genetic drift an increasingly important property of …
local optima. This makes neutral genetic drift an increasingly important property of …
Neutral drift upon threshold-like selection promotes variation in antibiotic resistance phenotype
AN Erdoğan, P Dasmeh, RD Socha, JZ Chen… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Heritable phenotypic variation plays a central role in evolution by conferring rapid adaptive
capacity to populations. Mechanisms that can explain genetic diversity by describing …
capacity to populations. Mechanisms that can explain genetic diversity by describing …
Evolving modularity in soft robots through an embodied and self-organizing neural controller
Modularity is a desirable property for embodied agents, as it could foster their suitability to
different domains by disassembling them into transferable modules that can be reassembled …
different domains by disassembling them into transferable modules that can be reassembled …
Defining locality as a problem difficulty measure in genetic programming
A map** is local if it preserves neighbourhood. In Evolutionary Computation, locality is
generally described as the property that neighbouring genotypes correspond to …
generally described as the property that neighbouring genotypes correspond to …
Semantics in multi-objective genetic programming
Abstract Semantics has become a key topic of research in Genetic Programming (GP).
Semantics refers to the outputs (behaviour) of a GP individual when this is run on a dataset …
Semantics refers to the outputs (behaviour) of a GP individual when this is run on a dataset …
Facility layout problem with alternative facility variants
The facility layout problem is one of the fundamental production system management
problems. It has a significant impact on overall system efficiency. This paper introduces a …
problems. It has a significant impact on overall system efficiency. This paper introduces a …
Weighted hierarchical grammatical evolution
Grammatical evolution (GE) is one of the most widespread techniques in evolutionary
computation. Genotypes in GE are bit strings while phenotypes are strings, of a language …
computation. Genotypes in GE are bit strings while phenotypes are strings, of a language …
Evolutionary dynamics on multiple scales: a quantitative analysis of the interplay between genotype, phenotype, and fitness in linear genetic programming
Redundancy is a ubiquitous feature of genetic programming (GP), with many-to-one
map**s commonly observed between genotype and phenotype, and between phenotype …
map**s commonly observed between genotype and phenotype, and between phenotype …