[HTML][HTML] Ultramafic geoecosystems as a natural source of Ni, Cr, and Co to the environment: A review
Ultramafic soils are in equal parts fascinating and dangerous. Developed on rocks derived
predominately from the Earth's mantle and metamorphosed at the ocean floors, ultramafic …
predominately from the Earth's mantle and metamorphosed at the ocean floors, ultramafic …
Current status and challenges in develo** nickel phytomining: an agronomic perspective
Abstract Background Nickel (Ni) phytomining operations cultivate hyperaccumulator plants
('metal crops') on Ni-rich (ultramafic) soils, followed by harvesting and incineration of the …
('metal crops') on Ni-rich (ultramafic) soils, followed by harvesting and incineration of the …
[HTML][HTML] Provenance and sediment dispersal in the Po-Adriatic source-to-sink system unraveled by bulk-sediment geochemistry and its linkage to catchment geology
Abstract The Po-Adriatic region offers an excellent case for reconstructing sediment
provenance and transport pathways of a multi-sourced sediment-routing system. Through a …
provenance and transport pathways of a multi-sourced sediment-routing system. Through a …
Develo** sustainable agromining systems in agricultural ultramafic soils for nickel recovery
Ultramafic soils are typically enriched in nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), and cobalt (Co) and
deficient in essential nutrients, making them unattractive for traditional agriculture …
deficient in essential nutrients, making them unattractive for traditional agriculture …
The long road to develo** agromining/phytomining
The concept of phytomining is a natural extension of botanical prospecting and the study of
metal biochemistry and biogeography of metal hyperaccumulator plants. Some elements …
metal biochemistry and biogeography of metal hyperaccumulator plants. Some elements …
The effect of plant density in nickel-phytomining field experiments with Alyssum murale in Albania
Ultramafic vertisols cover large areas in Albania and offer opportunities for phytomining. We
undertook a field experiment with native Alyssum murale on two representative Vertisols at a …
undertook a field experiment with native Alyssum murale on two representative Vertisols at a …
Weathering and vegetation controls on nickel isotope fractionation in surface ultramafic environments (Albania)
The dissolved nickel (Ni) isotopic composition of rivers and oceans presents an apparent
paradox. Even though rivers represent a major source of Ni in the oceans, seawater is more …
paradox. Even though rivers represent a major source of Ni in the oceans, seawater is more …
Selection and combustion of Ni-hyperaccumulators for the phytomining process
Ni recovery from serpentine soils by phytomining has proved feasible. Phytomining involves
the crop of hyperaccumulating plants with high Ni contents and the valorization of Ni by pyro …
the crop of hyperaccumulating plants with high Ni contents and the valorization of Ni by pyro …
Agronomy of 'metal crops' used in agromining
Agromining involves growing selected hyperaccumulator plant species ('metal crops') on low-
grade ore bodies or mineralized (eg ultramafic) soils, or anthropogenic metal-rich materials …
grade ore bodies or mineralized (eg ultramafic) soils, or anthropogenic metal-rich materials …
[PDF][PDF] Heavy metals and Ni phytoextractionin in the metallurgical area soils in Elbasan
The metallurgical complex of Elbasan represents a potential source of the heavy metal
pollution, due to the industrial activity conducted before years 1990s. The study focuses in …
pollution, due to the industrial activity conducted before years 1990s. The study focuses in …