Dynamical maps beyond Markovian regime
D Chruściński - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Quantum dynamical maps provide suitable mathematical representation of quantum
evolutions. When representing quantum states by density operators, the evident …
evolutions. When representing quantum states by density operators, the evident …
Dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems
Open quantum systems (OQSs) cannot always be described with the Markov approximation,
which requires a large separation of system and environment time scales. An overview is …
which requires a large separation of system and environment time scales. An overview is …
[BOK][B] Quantum Thermodynamics: An introduction to the thermodynamics of quantum information
S Deffner, S Campbell - 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
This book introduces the emerging field of quantum thermodynamics, with a focus on its
relation to quantum information and its implications for quantum computers and next …
relation to quantum information and its implications for quantum computers and next …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum thermodynamics: A dynamical viewpoint
R Kosloff - Entropy, 2013 - mdpi.com
Quantum thermodynamics addresses the emergence of thermodynamic laws from quantum
mechanics. The viewpoint advocated is based on the intimate connection of quantum …
mechanics. The viewpoint advocated is based on the intimate connection of quantum …
Markovian master equations for quantum thermal machines: local versus global approach
The study of quantum thermal machines, and more generally of open quantum systems,
often relies on master equations. Two approaches are mainly followed. On the one hand …
often relies on master equations. Two approaches are mainly followed. On the one hand …
Quantum coherence and ergotropy
Constraints on work extraction are fundamental to our operational understanding of the
thermodynamics of both classical and quantum systems. In the quantum setting, finite-time …
thermodynamics of both classical and quantum systems. In the quantum setting, finite-time …
The quantum harmonic Otto cycle
The quantum Otto cycle serves as a bridge between the macroscopic world of heat engines
and the quantum regime of thermal devices composed from a single element. We compile …
and the quantum regime of thermal devices composed from a single element. We compile …
Quantum heat engines and refrigerators: Continuous devices
Quantum thermodynamics supplies a consistent description of quantum heat engines and
refrigerators up to a single few-level system coupled to the environment. Once the …
refrigerators up to a single few-level system coupled to the environment. Once the …
Quantum and information thermodynamics: A unifying framework based on repeated interactions
We expand the standard thermodynamic framework of a system coupled to a thermal
reservoir by considering a stream of independently prepared units repeatedly put into …
reservoir by considering a stream of independently prepared units repeatedly put into …
Liouvillian skin effect: Slowing down of relaxation processes without gap closing
It is highly nontrivial to what extent we can deduce the relaxation behavior of a quantum
dissipative system from the spectral gap of the Liouvillian that governs the time evolution of …
dissipative system from the spectral gap of the Liouvillian that governs the time evolution of …