[HTML][HTML] Pore-scale controls on hydrological and geochemical processes in peat: Implications on interacting processes
Peatlands are wetlands that provide important ecosystem services including carbon
sequestration and water storage that respond to hydrological, biological, and …
sequestration and water storage that respond to hydrological, biological, and …
[HTML][HTML] Mining impacts peatland hydrology reducing discharge and water storage volumes
Peatlands cover about 3% of the Earth's land surface, but are the largest terrestrial carbon
store and are important for freshwater storage. In Australia, nationally protected peatlands …
store and are important for freshwater storage. In Australia, nationally protected peatlands …
Transport of chloride and deuterated water in peat: The role of anion exclusion, diffusion, and anion adsorption in a dual porosity organic media
The dual-porosity structure of peat and the extremely high organic matter content give rise to
a complex medium that typically generates prolonged tailing and early 50% concentration …
a complex medium that typically generates prolonged tailing and early 50% concentration …
Aquifer depressurization and water table lowering induces landscape scale subsidence and hydrophysical change in peatlands of the Hudson Bay Lowlands
The depositional history of the Hudson Bay Lowlands (HBL) in Ontario, Canada has created
a low relief, poorly drained landscape, favouring the formation of one of the largest peatland …
a low relief, poorly drained landscape, favouring the formation of one of the largest peatland …
Beyond fill and spill: Hydrological connectivity in a sub‐arctic bog‐fen‐tributary complex in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
Patterned bog and fen peatlands, which dominate the landscape in the Hudson Bay
Lowlands (HBL), act as important water storage and conveyance features in this region. In …
Lowlands (HBL), act as important water storage and conveyance features in this region. In …
Hydraulic properties within the complete moisture range of hydric soil on the Tibetan Plateau
X Wang, ZL Wang, W Yang, R Liu - Water Resources Research, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Tibetan Plateau is well‐known for its expansive wetland environments. Hydric
soils, a fundamental component of these environments, exhibit diverse hydraulic …
soils, a fundamental component of these environments, exhibit diverse hydraulic …
Multiphase flow behavior of diesel in bog, fen, and swamp peats
Hydrocarbon fate and transport in various categories of peatlands is complicated by the
botanical origin, and thus variations in the hydraulic structures and surface chemistry of its …
botanical origin, and thus variations in the hydraulic structures and surface chemistry of its …
[HTML][HTML] Groundwater flow patterns in a coastal fen exposed to drainage, rewetting and interaction with the Baltic Sea
M Toro, T Ptak, G Massmann, J Sültenfuß… - Journal of Hydrology, 2022 - Elsevier
Low-lying coastal peatlands are unique ecosystems where water levels and salt input with
seawater determine vegetation and greenhouse gas emissions, while the export of nutrients …
seawater determine vegetation and greenhouse gas emissions, while the export of nutrients …
Heterogeneity of the peat profile and its role in unsaturated sodium chloride rise at field and laboratory scales
Resource extraction in Canada's boreal ecozone increases the risk of contaminant release
into the area's extensive bog and fen peatlands. Lateral spreading, then upwards transport …
into the area's extensive bog and fen peatlands. Lateral spreading, then upwards transport …
[HTML][HTML] Changes to the hydrology of a boreal fen following the placement of an access road and below ground pipeline
Study region A channel fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Alberta, Canada Study focus
We assessed the hydrological changes to the hydrology of a moderate-rich fen after the …
We assessed the hydrological changes to the hydrology of a moderate-rich fen after the …