Power consumption analysis, measurement, management, and issues: A state-of-the-art review of smartphone battery and energy usage
The advancement and popularity of smartphones have made it an essential and all-purpose
device. But lack of advancement in battery technology has held back its optimum potential …
device. But lack of advancement in battery technology has held back its optimum potential …
An investigation into energy-saving programming practices for android smartphone app development
Develo** energy efficient mobile applications is an impor-tant goal for software
developers as energy usage can di-rectly affect the usability of a mobile device …
developers as energy usage can di-rectly affect the usability of a mobile device …
POWERFUL: Mobile app fingerprinting via power analysis
Which apps a mobile user has and how they are used can disclose significant private
information about the user. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of …
information about the user. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of …
Energy-efficient computation offloading for wearable devices and smartphones in mobile cloud computing
Wearable devices are becoming increasingly popular and are expected to become essential
in our everyday life. Despite continuous improvement of hardware, the lifetime of mobile …
in our everyday life. Despite continuous improvement of hardware, the lifetime of mobile …
Joint optimization of signal design and resource allocation in wireless D2D edge computing
In this paper, we study the distributed computational capabilities of device-to-device (D2D)
networks. A key characteristic of D2D networks is that their topologies are reconfigurable to …
networks. A key characteristic of D2D networks is that their topologies are reconfigurable to …
Understanding green software development: A conceptual framework
The energy efficiency of IT has become one of the hottest topics in the last few years. The
problem has been typically addressed by hardware manufacturers and designers, but …
problem has been typically addressed by hardware manufacturers and designers, but …
Powering privacy: On the energy demand and feasibility of anonymity networks on smartphones
Many different anonymity networks have been designed and implemented over the last 20
years. These networks protect communication and metadata through multi-layered …
years. These networks protect communication and metadata through multi-layered …
[PDF][PDF] Tool Support for Green Android Development: A Systematic Map** Study.
In order to make mobile apps energy efficient, we must find ways to support energy efficient
app development. While there is a lack of support tools that aid practitioners in moving …
app development. While there is a lack of support tools that aid practitioners in moving …
Designing a mobile language learning system based on lightweight learning objects
M Milutinović, A Labus, V Stojiljković… - Multimedia Tools and …, 2015 - Springer
This paper investigates the possibilities in the area of application of mobile technologies for
language learning. The primary goal is to design a mobile system for learning of the …
language learning. The primary goal is to design a mobile system for learning of the …
Power profiling and monitoring in embedded systems: A comparative study and a novel methodology based on NARX neural networks
Power consumption in electronic systems is an essential feature for the management of
energy autonomy, performance analysis, and the aging monitoring of components. Thus …
energy autonomy, performance analysis, and the aging monitoring of components. Thus …