Modular sensor node and communications system
ZF Mian, RE Spoor, BP McKenney, PR Hayes… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
The current application claims the benefit of US Provi sional Application No. 61/054,907,
titled “Sensor System”, which was filed on 21 May 2008, and which is hereby incor porated …
titled “Sensor System”, which was filed on 21 May 2008, and which is hereby incor porated …
Quality of service in wireless sensor networks: a survey and related patents
Rapid advances in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) indicate that they are becoming
increasingly complex. Consequently users and applications are becoming more demanding …
increasingly complex. Consequently users and applications are becoming more demanding …
Compressing trace data
US10326674B2 - Compressing trace data - Google Patents US10326674B2 - Compressing
trace data - Google Patents Compressing trace data Download PDF Info Publication number …
trace data - Google Patents Compressing trace data Download PDF Info Publication number …
TDMA communications with clock synchronization
ZF Mian, BP McKenney - US Patent 10,333,642, 2019 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A network of nodes communicating with a central node using a Time
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) commu nications network is disclosed. Each node can …
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) commu nications network is disclosed. Each node can …
Tracing message transmissions between communicating network devices
A packet of data and a packet-identification value are transmitted to a network device having
an identifier. The stored packet-identification value and the identifier are recorded. The …
an identifier. The stored packet-identification value and the identifier are recorded. The …
Energy efficient routing and switching
A Welin, T Thyni - US Patent App. 13/995,868, 2013 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002. A number of different routing and switching proto cols for Switching
data in a communication network exists today. The routing protocols can be divided into two …
data in a communication network exists today. The routing protocols can be divided into two …
Tracing message transmissions between communicating network devices
(57) ABSTRACT A packet of data and a packet-identification value are transmitted to a
network device having an identifier. The stored packet-identification value and the identifier …
network device having an identifier. The stored packet-identification value and the identifier …
Apparatus and method for improving energy efficiency of sensor network system
HY Kim, JS Jeong, ST Kim - US Patent App. 13/927,050, 2014 - Google Patents
An aspect of the present invention provides an appa ratus and method that may decrease an
amount of energy used by a sensor node of which an amount of remaining energy is …
amount of energy used by a sensor node of which an amount of remaining energy is …
An intelligent routing approach for wireless sensor networks
N Al-Nabhan, S Al-Wakeel - 2015 SAI Intelligent Systems …, 2015 -
Wireless sensing technology becomes a new scientific instrument for physical and
environmental monitoring. The technology involves deploying a large number of tiny sensor …
environmental monitoring. The technology involves deploying a large number of tiny sensor …