[HTML][HTML] A dynamic 2000—540 Ma Earth history: From cratonic amalgamation to the age of supercontinent cycle
Establishing how tectonic plates have moved since deep time is essential for understanding
how Earth's geodynamic system has evolved and operates, thus answering longstanding …
how Earth's geodynamic system has evolved and operates, thus answering longstanding …
Exploring a lost ocean in the Tibetan Plateau: Birth, growth, and demise of the Bangong-Nujiang Ocean
The vast eastern-Tethyan oceanic domain that throughout the Mesozoic extended between
Gondwana and Eurasia was a puzzle of larger and smaller microcontinents separated by …
Gondwana and Eurasia was a puzzle of larger and smaller microcontinents separated by …
[HTML][HTML] Terrane history of the Iapetus Ocean as preserved in the northern Appalachians and western Caledonides
JWF Waldron, PJA McCausland, SM Barr… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The Iapetus Ocean was the first ancient ocean to be identified following the
development of plate tectonics; its history has been fundamental in relating orogenesis and …
development of plate tectonics; its history has been fundamental in relating orogenesis and …
Deconstructing plate tectonic reconstructions
The evolving mosaic of tectonic plates across the surface of the Earth sets boundary
conditions for the evolution of biotic and abiotic processes and helps shape the dynamics of …
conditions for the evolution of biotic and abiotic processes and helps shape the dynamics of …
[HTML][HTML] Paleoproterozoic tectonics of Fennoscandia and the birth of Baltica
Baltica, in the core of the supercontinent Nuna, comprises Fennoscandia, Sarmatia and
Volgo-Uralia. We develop a tectonic model of Paleoproterozoic Fennoscandia based on …
Volgo-Uralia. We develop a tectonic model of Paleoproterozoic Fennoscandia based on …
A smaller greater India and a middle‐early Eocene collision with Asia
S **, X Sun, X **g, Z Zhang… - Geophysical Research …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
When and how the collision between India‐Asia occurred continue to be debated. We report
new paleomagnetic data (Ds= 158.8°, Is= 7.8°, ks= 81.3, α95= 5.1°, N= 11 sites) from …
new paleomagnetic data (Ds= 158.8°, Is= 7.8°, ks= 81.3, α95= 5.1°, N= 11 sites) from …
[HTML][HTML] The enduring Ediacaran paleomagnetic enigma
Abstract The Ediacaran Period was an interval of significant global transformation, marked
by major changes in the biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, and possibly …
by major changes in the biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, and possibly …
[HTML][HTML] Subduction initiation in the Scotia Sea region and opening of the Drake Passage: When and why?
SHA van de Lagemaat, MLA Swart, B Vaes… - Earth-Science …, 2021 - Elsevier
During evolution of the South Sandwich subduction zone, which has consumed South
American Plate oceanic lithosphere, somehow continental crust of both the South American …
American Plate oceanic lithosphere, somehow continental crust of both the South American …
Ordovician–Silurian true polar wander as a mechanism for severe glaciation and mass extinction
Abstract The Ordovician–Silurian transition experienced severe, but enigmatic, glaciation, as
well as a paradoxical combination of mass extinction and species origination. Here we …
well as a paradoxical combination of mass extinction and species origination. Here we …
New paleomagnetic insights into the Neoproterozoic connection between South China and India and their position in Rodinia
A paleogeographic affinity of the south China craton (SCC) with India in the Neoproterozoic
has long been advocated based on lines of geological evidence. However, the lack of …
has long been advocated based on lines of geological evidence. However, the lack of …