Innovative Ways of Develo** and Using Specific Purpose Alternatives for Solving Hard Combinatorial Network Routing and Ordered Optimisation Problems
S Kumar, E Munapo - AppliedMath, 2024 -
This paper reviews some recent contributions by the authors and their associates and
highlights a few innovative ideas, which led them to address some hard combinatorial …
highlights a few innovative ideas, which led them to address some hard combinatorial …
[КНИГА][B] Linear Integer Programming: Theory, Applications, Recent Developments
This book presents the state-of-the-art methods in Linear Integer Programming, including
some new algorithms and heuristic methods developed by the authors in recent years …
some new algorithms and heuristic methods developed by the authors in recent years …
A minimum spanning tree based heuristic for the travelling salesman tour
This paper presents a heuristic to find the travelling salesman tour (TST) in a connected
network. The approach first identifies a node and two associated arcs that are desirable for …
network. The approach first identifies a node and two associated arcs that are desirable for …
The minimum spanning tree with node index≤ 2 Is equivalent to the minimum travelling salesman tour
In graph theory, a well-known problem is to find the minimum salesman tour ie, to find a way
of moving from a given origin node and returning back to the same node after visiting each …
of moving from a given origin node and returning back to the same node after visiting each …
[PDF][PDF] Chapter-3 Mathematics of OR: Significance and Application of Virtual Directions in Reducing Computational Complexity in Network Optimization
Usually, analysis of a directed network with respect to a particular problem is
computationally less demanding when compared to a similar situation analysed for the non …
computationally less demanding when compared to a similar situation analysed for the non …
De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences
M Ram - (No Title), 2022 -
Numerous problems in science and engineering involve linear partial differential equations
and integro-differential equations. Examples are diverse, including vibration of flexible …
and integro-differential equations. Examples are diverse, including vibration of flexible …
Link-Weight Modification for Network Optimization: Is it a Tool, Philosophy, or an Art?
This chapter investigates a link-weight modification philosophy for solving network
optimization problems. Many network problems which have been analyzed and solved by …
optimization problems. Many network problems which have been analyzed and solved by …
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Modification, development, application and computational experiments of some selected network, distribution and resource allocation models in …
P Nyamugure - 2017 - University of Limpopo