Identification of weather patterns and transitions likely to cause power outages in the United Kingdom
Lightning strikes, snow, and wind are common causes of power system failures. Their
frequency of occurrence varies depending on weather patterns and seasons. Here, we …
frequency of occurrence varies depending on weather patterns and seasons. Here, we …
Pattern-based forecasting enhances the prediction skill of European heatwaves into the sub-seasonal range
The prediction of European heatwaves at the subseasonal range is of key importance to
mitigate their impact. This study builds on previous work which identifies five main European …
mitigate their impact. This study builds on previous work which identifies five main European …
The structure of Borneo vortices and their relationship with cold surges, the Madden–Julian oscillation and equatorial waves
The Borneo vortex (BV) is a synoptic‐scale vorticity feature found in the South China Sea
near Borneo during extended Boreal winter, which can bring heavy rain to the region …
near Borneo during extended Boreal winter, which can bring heavy rain to the region …
Identifying probabilistic weather regimes targeted to a local-scale impact variable
Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, so-called weather regimes, modulate the
occurrence of extreme events such as heatwaves or extreme precipitation. In their role as …
occurrence of extreme events such as heatwaves or extreme precipitation. In their role as …
Evaluation of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecast performance from NMME-2 over Indonesia
Abstract Global Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecast was known to bridge
the gap between weather and seasonal forecast, can be utilized as supporting information …
the gap between weather and seasonal forecast, can be utilized as supporting information …
European heatwaves: intraseasonal drivers and prediction
E Rouges - 2024 - tud.qucosa.de
Abstract (DE) Die Vorhersage von extremen Wetterereignissen wie Hitzewellen ist aufgrund
ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von großer Bedeutung. Subsaisonale …
ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von großer Bedeutung. Subsaisonale …
Pattern-based forecasting enhances the prediction skill of European heatwaves at the sub-seasonal range
The prediction of European heatwaves at the subseasonal range is of key importance to
mitigate their impact. This study builds on previous work (Rouges et al., 2023) which …
mitigate their impact. This study builds on previous work (Rouges et al., 2023) which …