Identification of weather patterns and transitions likely to cause power outages in the United Kingdom

L Souto, R Neal, JO Pope, PLM Gonzalez… - … Earth & Environment, 2024 -
Lightning strikes, snow, and wind are common causes of power system failures. Their
frequency of occurrence varies depending on weather patterns and seasons. Here, we …

Pattern-based forecasting enhances the prediction skill of European heatwaves into the sub-seasonal range

E Rouges, L Ferranti, H Kantz, F Pappenberger - Climate Dynamics, 2024 - Springer
The prediction of European heatwaves at the subseasonal range is of key importance to
mitigate their impact. This study builds on previous work which identifies five main European …

The structure of Borneo vortices and their relationship with cold surges, the Madden–Julian oscillation and equatorial waves

J Crook, S Hardy, J Methven… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The Borneo vortex (BV) is a synoptic‐scale vorticity feature found in the South China Sea
near Borneo during extended Boreal winter, which can bring heavy rain to the region …

Identifying probabilistic weather regimes targeted to a local-scale impact variable

FR Spuler, M Kretschmer, Y Kovalchuk… - Environmental Data …, 2024 -
Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, so-called weather regimes, modulate the
occurrence of extreme events such as heatwaves or extreme precipitation. In their role as …

Evaluation of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecast performance from NMME-2 over Indonesia

D Nugraha, MR Syahputra, MR Abdillah… - … Series: Earth and …, 2024 -
Abstract Global Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecast was known to bridge
the gap between weather and seasonal forecast, can be utilized as supporting information …

European heatwaves: intraseasonal drivers and prediction

E Rouges - 2024 -
Abstract (DE) Die Vorhersage von extremen Wetterereignissen wie Hitzewellen ist aufgrund
ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft von großer Bedeutung. Subsaisonale …

Pattern-based forecasting enhances the prediction skill of European heatwaves at the sub-seasonal range

E Rouges, L Ferranti, H Kantz, F Pappenberger - 2023 -
The prediction of European heatwaves at the subseasonal range is of key importance to
mitigate their impact. This study builds on previous work (Rouges et al., 2023) which …