[PDF][PDF] Hedging in the Discussion Sections of English and Malay Educational Research Articles.
Academic writers resort to hedging as one of the interpersonal metadiscourse categories
needed to present their findings cautiously in the hope that their research contribution can …
needed to present their findings cautiously in the hope that their research contribution can …
[HTML][HTML] A corpus-based study on cross-cultural divergence in the use of hedges in academic research articles written by Vietnamese and native English-speaking …
T Nguyen Thi Thuy - Social Sciences, 2018 - mdpi.com
As an interpersonal meta-discourse device, hedges have a significant role in academic
writing, especially in research articles (RAs) of various fields. The use of hedges in …
writing, especially in research articles (RAs) of various fields. The use of hedges in …
Do Pakistani English writers hedge more in linguistics research than native English writers?
The purpose of this corpus-based study is to compare the use of hedges and associated
linguistic constituents in the linguistic research articles authored by Pakistani English Writers …
linguistic constituents in the linguistic research articles authored by Pakistani English Writers …
[PDF][PDF] Projecting gender identity through metadiscourse marking: Investigating writers' stance taking in written discourse
ZS Seyyedrezaie, VS Vahedi - Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2017 - core.ac.uk
The present study aimed at investigating gender identity through the expression of
interpersonal metadiscourse stance marking. The current study investigated male and …
interpersonal metadiscourse stance marking. The current study investigated male and …
Frequency and type of hedging devices used in the research articles of humanities, basic sciences and agriculture
HS Afshar, M Moradi, R Hamzavi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral …, 2014 - Elsevier
The present study compared and contrasted the frequency of use of hedging devices used
in the research articles of three fields of Humanities, Basic Sciences and Agriculture and …
in the research articles of three fields of Humanities, Basic Sciences and Agriculture and …
Hedging devices in applied linguistics research papers: Do gender and nativeness matter?
H Weisi, A Asakereh - Glottotheory, 2021 - degruyter.com
The present study aims at investigating the impact of gender and being native and non-
native on the use of hedging devices in the discussion part of Applied Linguistics research …
native on the use of hedging devices in the discussion part of Applied Linguistics research …
Revisiting the use of hedges and boosters in scientific research articles in Morocco: Caution that does not exclude conviction
M Mifdal, M Lewis - Cultures of Science, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
The ways in which researchers present the results of their research and make claims about
them are determined by the conventions of academic writing held by the scientific …
them are determined by the conventions of academic writing held by the scientific …
Hedges used in Kurdish political discourse
KR Moheddin, KA Sherwani - International Journal of Psychosocial …, 2019 -
This paper works within the framework of EF Prince, J. Frader, and C. Bosk theory (1982)
and employs qualitative and quantitative methods. It analyzes President Masoud Barzani's …
and employs qualitative and quantitative methods. It analyzes President Masoud Barzani's …
[PDF][PDF] Cross-cultural analysis of the use of hedges in European and Pakistani English newspaper: A corpus-based study
Abstract Language, discourse and communication reveal social and cultural inclinations of
human civilization (Van Dijk, 1997). Language behavior is exhibited through communication …
human civilization (Van Dijk, 1997). Language behavior is exhibited through communication …
[PDF][PDF] Contrastive analysis of hedges in English and Persian linguistics
K Rezaei, EH Hafeshjani, A Zaboli - National Conference on …, 2017 - researchgate.net
Hedging as linguistic expressions plays an important role in newspapers texts, in spoken
contexts and also in scientific research articles (RAs). The academic writers construct texts to …
contexts and also in scientific research articles (RAs). The academic writers construct texts to …