[PDF][PDF] Hedging in the Discussion Sections of English and Malay Educational Research Articles.

CK Loi, JMH Lim - GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 2019‏ - researchgate.net
Academic writers resort to hedging as one of the interpersonal metadiscourse categories
needed to present their findings cautiously in the hope that their research contribution can …

[HTML][HTML] A corpus-based study on cross-cultural divergence in the use of hedges in academic research articles written by Vietnamese and native English-speaking …

T Nguyen Thi Thuy - Social Sciences, 2018‏ - mdpi.com
As an interpersonal meta-discourse device, hedges have a significant role in academic
writing, especially in research articles (RAs) of various fields. The use of hedges in …

Do Pakistani English writers hedge more in linguistics research than native English writers?

A Shafqat, RA Memon, TA Khan - Journal of Humanities, Social …, 2022‏ - ideapublishers.org
The purpose of this corpus-based study is to compare the use of hedges and associated
linguistic constituents in the linguistic research articles authored by Pakistani English Writers …

[PDF][PDF] Projecting gender identity through metadiscourse marking: Investigating writers' stance taking in written discourse

ZS Seyyedrezaie, VS Vahedi - Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2017‏ - core.ac.uk
The present study aimed at investigating gender identity through the expression of
interpersonal metadiscourse stance marking. The current study investigated male and …

Frequency and type of hedging devices used in the research articles of humanities, basic sciences and agriculture

HS Afshar, M Moradi, R Hamzavi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
The present study compared and contrasted the frequency of use of hedging devices used
in the research articles of three fields of Humanities, Basic Sciences and Agriculture and …

Hedging devices in applied linguistics research papers: Do gender and nativeness matter?

H Weisi, A Asakereh - Glottotheory, 2021‏ - degruyter.com
The present study aims at investigating the impact of gender and being native and non-
native on the use of hedging devices in the discussion part of Applied Linguistics research …

Revisiting the use of hedges and boosters in scientific research articles in Morocco: Caution that does not exclude conviction

M Mifdal, M Lewis - Cultures of Science, 2023‏ - journals.sagepub.com
The ways in which researchers present the results of their research and make claims about
them are determined by the conventions of academic writing held by the scientific …

Hedges used in Kurdish political discourse

KR Moheddin, KA Sherwani - International Journal of Psychosocial …, 2019‏ -
This paper works within the framework of EF Prince, J. Frader, and C. Bosk theory (1982)
and employs qualitative and quantitative methods. It analyzes President Masoud Barzani's …

[PDF][PDF] Cross-cultural analysis of the use of hedges in European and Pakistani English newspaper: A corpus-based study

A Shafqat, RA Memon, H Akhtar - International Journal of English …, 2019‏ - academia.edu
Abstract Language, discourse and communication reveal social and cultural inclinations of
human civilization (Van Dijk, 1997). Language behavior is exhibited through communication …

[PDF][PDF] Contrastive analysis of hedges in English and Persian linguistics

K Rezaei, EH Hafeshjani, A Zaboli - National Conference on …, 2017‏ - researchgate.net
Hedging as linguistic expressions plays an important role in newspapers texts, in spoken
contexts and also in scientific research articles (RAs). The academic writers construct texts to …