A comprehensive review of tolerancing research

YS Hong, TC Chang - International Journal of Production Research, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Ever since the plus/minus limits on dimensions first started to appear on engineering
drawings in the early 1900s, tolerances have been one of the most important issues for …

A review of two models for tolerance analysis of an assembly: Jacobian and torsor

M Marziale, W Polini - International Journal of Computer Integrated …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The dimensional and geometrical variations of each part of an assembly have to be limited
by tolerances able to ensure both a standardised production and a certain level of quality …

Integration of geometric variation and part deformation into variation propagation of 3-D assemblies

J Guo, B Li, Z Liu, J Hong, X Wu - International Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper introduces a novel modelling method for variation propagation calculation of 3-D
assemblies taking into account geometric variation and part deformation, which are …

Taxonomy of models for tolerance analysis in assembling

W Polini - International Journal of Production Research, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The dimensional and geometrical variations of each part have to be limited by tolerances in
order to guarantee quality and, at the same time, a decrease of manufacturing costs …

Geometric tolerance analysis

W Polini - Geometric tolerances: Impact on product design …, 2011 - Springer
This chapter focuses on five main literature models of geometric tolerance analysis–vector
loop, variational, matrix, Jacobian, and torsor–and makes a comparison between them in …

[HTML][HTML] Coupling and decoupling measurement method of complete geometric errors for multi-axis machine tools

H Wang, Y Ran, S Zhang, Y Li - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
Featured Application A new method of coupling and decoupling measurement is proposed
to obtain complete geometric errors of multi-axis machine tools. It solves the problem of …

A quasi-Monte Carlo statistical three-dimensional tolerance analysis method of products based on edge sampling

C Zhou, Z Liu, C Qiu, J Tan - Assembly Automation, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The conventional statistical method of three-dimensional tolerance analysis
requires numerous pseudo-random numbers and consumes enormous computations to …

Manufacturing variation models in multi-station machining systems

JV Abellán-Nebot, F Romero Subirón… - … International Journal of …, 2013 - Springer
In product design and quality improvement fields, the development of reliable 3D machining
variation models for multi-station machining processes is a key issue to estimate the …

Information modeling for variation management during the product and manufacturing process design

JY Dantan, A Hassan, A Etienne, A Siadat… - International Journal on …, 2008 - Springer
For car and aircraft industries, Design for Manufacturing, Robust Design and Conceptual
Process Planning are a key activity to evaluate manufacturability, to improve design in the …