[КНИГА][B] Higher education as context for music pedagogy research

E Angelo, J Knigge, M Sæther, W Waagen - 2021 - library.oapen.org
" This anthology presents music pedagogical research as a field of integrated reflection that
transcends institutional and disciplinary barriers. The anthology aims to reinforce thinking …

We are also music lovers: Testing vocal tastes in higher musical theater education

G von Germeten - Research Studies in Music Education, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores taste processes within a group of musical theater students and their
voice teacher, the latter also acting as researcher, while working with an aesthetically broad …

[КНИГА][B] Kompetanse for inkluderende praksis: Et innovasjonsprosjekt om samarbeid mellom barnehage/skole og PP-tjenesten

M Mjøs, S Hillesøy, V Moen, SE Ohna, C Holtar Arnholt… - 2023 - library.oapen.org
Dette verket omfattes av bestemmelsene i Lov om opphavsretten til åndsverk mv. av 1961.
Verket utgis Open Access under betingelsene i Creative Commons-lisensen CC-BY-NC 4.0 …

Crafting nature, crafting self: An ecophilosophy of friluftsliv, craftmaking and sustainability

PI Haukeland, S Sæterhaug - 2020 - openarchive.usn.no
This article is based on a project in the Regional Research Fund (“Oslofjorden”) that
explores the relationship between friluftsliv (outdoor life), craftmaking and sustainability in …

Impact of action research in Norwegian religious education

D Husebø, ØL Johannessen… - British Journal of Religious …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
For more than a decade, the authors have engaged in several collaborative action research
projects in established communities of practice, generating new knowledge and promoting …

[PDF][PDF] Kunnskapsreflektert praksis

CT Halås - 2018 - nordopen.nord.no
Kunnskapsbasert praksis har blitt kritisert for å fremme et smalt syn på kunnskap og virke
instrumentell i sin tilnærming. I prosjektet Ungdom i svevet samarbeidet forskere med …

[КНИГА][B] Aksjonsforskning i Norge, volum 2: Grunnlagstenkning, forskerroller og bidrag til endring i ulike kontekster

S Gjøtterud, H Hiim, D Husebø, LH Jensen - 2020 - library.oapen.org
" The purpose of this anthology is to show different perspectives on epistemology, research
roles and contexts in action research. Contributors are researchers who have extensive …

Elevers tolkning av multiple tekster i historiefaglige prosjekter

Y Skjæveland, B Marthinsen… - Nordidactica: Journal of …, 2024 - diva-portal.org
This article discusses how source criticism can be used as a method in history classes and
how students and teachers experience the learning outcome. The study is based on an …

Entrepreneurial intermediation in innovation: A study of multilayered contexts and embedded dynamics of organisation-creation

NA Sletterød, E Carlsson, D Hjorth - Journal of Entrepreneurial and …, 2021 - papers.ssrn.com
The article is based on a theoretical exploration and empirical analysis of formalized public
initiated instruments—eight network entrepreneurs—intended to promote, intermediate and …

[PDF][PDF] Kompetanseutvikling i PP-tjenesten gjennom deltakelse i profesjonsfaglig samarbeid med skolen: et samarbeid i krysspress

V Moen, SE Ohna, S Jonassen - Et innovasjonsprosjekt om …, 2023 - library.oapen.org
In this chapter, we discuss the collaboration between the educational and psychological
counselling service (PPT) and a school in one of the participating municipalities. We have …