Expressive probabilistic description logics

T Lukasiewicz - Artificial Intelligence, 2008 - Elsevier
The work in this paper is directed towards sophisticated formalisms for reasoning under
probabilistic uncertainty in ontologies in the Semantic Web. Ontologies play a central role in …

A system for principled matchmaking in an electronic marketplace

T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini… - Proceedings of the 12th …, 2003 -
More and more resources are becoming available on the Web, and there is a growing need
for infrastructures that, based on advertised descriptions, are able to semantically match …

[BOK][B] Semantic management of middleware

D Oberle - 2006 -
Current middleware solutions, eg, application servers and Web services, are very complex
software products that are hard to tame because of intricacies of distributed systems. Their …

Semantic matchmaking as non-monotonic reasoning: A description logic approach

T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini - Journal of Artificial Intelligence …, 2007 -
Matchmaking arises when supply and demand meet in an electronic marketplace, or when
agents search for a web service to perform some task, or even when recruiting agencies …

[PDF][PDF] A formal approach to ontology-based semantic match of skills descriptions.

S Colucci, T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini… - J. Univers. Comput …, 2003 -
Skills management has been recently acknowledged as one of the key factors to adequately
face the increasing competitiveness between knowledge intensive companies. In this paper …

Concept abduction and contraction for semantic-based discovery of matches and negotiation spaces in an e-marketplace

S Colucci, TD Noia, ED Sciascio, M Mongiello… - Proceedings of the 6th …, 2004 -
In this paper we present a Description Logic approach to extended matchmaking between
Demands and Supplies in an Electronic Marketplace, which allows the semantic-based …

A nonmonotonic approach to semantic matchmaking and request refinement in e-marketplaces

S Colucci, T Di Noia, A Pinto, M Ruta… - … Journal of Electronic …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Matchmaking in e-marketplaces consists of finding and retrieving promising counterparts for
a given request from the set of available advertisements. This paper proposes the use of …

Concept abduction and contraction in semantic-based P2P environments

M Ruta, E Di Sciascio… - Web Intelligence and Agent …, 2011 -
Abstract Reasoning engines are largely used in resource discovery and matchmaking
scenarios where, given a request, they are able to provide a list of compatible items …

[PDF][PDF] Complexity of Abduction in the EL Family of Lightweight Description Logics.

M Bienvenu - KR, 2008 -
The complexity of logic-based abduction has been extensively studied for the case in which
the background knowledge is represented by a propositional theory, but very little is known …

[PDF][PDF] Concept abduction and contraction in description logics.

S Colucci, T Di Noia, E Di Sciascio, FM Donini… - Description …, 2003 -
Description Logics Page 1 Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics Simona
Colucci", Tommaso Di Noia", Eugenio Di Sciascio", Francesco Donini", Marina Mongiello" l: l)i …