An overview of the taxonomic groups of non-pollen palynomorphs
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) are 'extra'microfossils often found in palynology slides.
These include remains of organisms within the size range of pollen grains (c. 10–250 µm) …
These include remains of organisms within the size range of pollen grains (c. 10–250 µm) …
Tools for Non-Pollen Palynomorphs (NPPs) analysis: A list of Quaternary NPP types and reference literature in English language (1972–2011)
A Miola - Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2012 - Elsevier
A systematic study of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs (NPPs) from Quaternary sediments was
begun in 1968 in the Hugo de Vries-Laboratory (Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem …
begun in 1968 in the Hugo de Vries-Laboratory (Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem …
Responses of vegetation and testate amoeba trait composition to fire disturbances in and around a bog in central European lowlands (northern Poland)
Compared to boreal or Mediterranean biomes, the influence of fire on peatlands in Central
Europe is not well studied. We aim to provide first analysis of statistically significant charcoal …
Europe is not well studied. We aim to provide first analysis of statistically significant charcoal …
Non-pollen palynomorphs
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) in pollen slides form a large, inhomogeneous group of
remains of organisms that represents a memory of former, often strictly local environmental …
remains of organisms that represents a memory of former, often strictly local environmental …
Hydrological dynamics and fire history of the last 1300 years in western Siberia reconstructed from a high-resolution, ombrotrophic peat archive
Siberian peatlands provide records of past changes in the continental climate of Eurasia. We
analyzed a core from Mukhrino mire in western Siberia to reconstruct environmental change …
analyzed a core from Mukhrino mire in western Siberia to reconstruct environmental change …
Non-pollen palynomorphs in freshwater sediments and their palaeolimnological potential and selected applications
FMG McCarthy, PM Pilkington, O Volik, A Heyde… - 2021 -
The earliest eukaryotes recorded in continental environments are non-pollen palynomorphs
(NPP) in Mesoproterozoic strata, and NPP provide our best insights into lacustrine …
(NPP) in Mesoproterozoic strata, and NPP provide our best insights into lacustrine …
Modern non-pollen palynomorphs sedimentation along an elevational gradient in the south-central Pyrenees (southwestern Europe) as a tool for Holocene …
J López-Vila, E Montoya, N Cañellas-Boltà… - The …, 2014 -
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) are microfossils other than pollen and spores from plants
found within samples prepared for pollen analyses. Their utility as paleoecological …
found within samples prepared for pollen analyses. Their utility as paleoecological …
Climate, vegetation and ecology during Harappan period: excavations at Kanjetar and Kaj, mid-Saurashtra coast, Gujarat
A multi-proxy study was carried out to address climate–culture relationship from two
trenches one each from Kaj and Kanjetar (mid-Saurashtra coast) deposited in a lacustrine …
trenches one each from Kaj and Kanjetar (mid-Saurashtra coast) deposited in a lacustrine …
Functional traits as a new approach for interpreting testate amoeba palaeo-records in peatlands and assessing the causes and consequences of past changes in …
Subfossil remains of various groups of organisms preserved in peat and sediment archives
are commonly used to infer past environmental changes using transfer functions based on …
are commonly used to infer past environmental changes using transfer functions based on …
Response of testate amoeba assemblages to peatland drain blocking
Peatlands represent globally important habitats and carbon stores. However, human
impacts and climate change leave peatlands with a substantial management challenge …
impacts and climate change leave peatlands with a substantial management challenge …