An overview of the taxonomic groups of non-pollen palynomorphs

L Shumilovskikh, JMK O'Keefe, F Marret - 2021 -
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) are 'extra'microfossils often found in palynology slides.
These include remains of organisms within the size range of pollen grains (c. 10–250 µm) …

Tools for Non-Pollen Palynomorphs (NPPs) analysis: A list of Quaternary NPP types and reference literature in English language (1972–2011)

A Miola - Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2012 - Elsevier
A systematic study of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs (NPPs) from Quaternary sediments was
begun in 1968 in the Hugo de Vries-Laboratory (Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem …

Responses of vegetation and testate amoeba trait composition to fire disturbances in and around a bog in central European lowlands (northern Poland)

K Marcisz, M Lamentowicz, M Gałka… - Quaternary science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Compared to boreal or Mediterranean biomes, the influence of fire on peatlands in Central
Europe is not well studied. We aim to provide first analysis of statistically significant charcoal …

Non-pollen palynomorphs

LS Shumilovskikh, B van Geel - Handbook for the analysis of micro …, 2020 - Springer
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) in pollen slides form a large, inhomogeneous group of
remains of organisms that represents a memory of former, often strictly local environmental …

Hydrological dynamics and fire history of the last 1300 years in western Siberia reconstructed from a high-resolution, ombrotrophic peat archive

M Lamentowicz, M Słowiński, K Marcisz… - Quaternary …, 2015 -
Siberian peatlands provide records of past changes in the continental climate of Eurasia. We
analyzed a core from Mukhrino mire in western Siberia to reconstruct environmental change …

Non-pollen palynomorphs in freshwater sediments and their palaeolimnological potential and selected applications

FMG McCarthy, PM Pilkington, O Volik, A Heyde… - 2021 -
The earliest eukaryotes recorded in continental environments are non-pollen palynomorphs
(NPP) in Mesoproterozoic strata, and NPP provide our best insights into lacustrine …

Modern non-pollen palynomorphs sedimentation along an elevational gradient in the south-central Pyrenees (southwestern Europe) as a tool for Holocene …

J López-Vila, E Montoya, N Cañellas-Boltà… - The …, 2014 -
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) are microfossils other than pollen and spores from plants
found within samples prepared for pollen analyses. Their utility as paleoecological …

Climate, vegetation and ecology during Harappan period: excavations at Kanjetar and Kaj, mid-Saurashtra coast, Gujarat

A Farooqui, AS Gaur, V Prasad - Journal of Archaeological Science, 2013 - Elsevier
A multi-proxy study was carried out to address climate–culture relationship from two
trenches one each from Kaj and Kanjetar (mid-Saurashtra coast) deposited in a lacustrine …

Functional traits as a new approach for interpreting testate amoeba palaeo-records in peatlands and assessing the causes and consequences of past changes in …

B Fournier, E Lara, VEJ Jassey… - The Holocene, 2015 -
Subfossil remains of various groups of organisms preserved in peat and sediment archives
are commonly used to infer past environmental changes using transfer functions based on …

Response of testate amoeba assemblages to peatland drain blocking

CRC Evans, DJ Mullan, HM Roe, PM Fox… - Wetlands Ecology and …, 2024 - Springer
Peatlands represent globally important habitats and carbon stores. However, human
impacts and climate change leave peatlands with a substantial management challenge …