Mechanisms and pathways of PFAS degradation by advanced oxidation and reduction processes: A critical review
Numerous studies have demonstrated the degradation of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
by advanced oxidation or reduction processes. Howbeit, the current literature lacks a …
by advanced oxidation or reduction processes. Howbeit, the current literature lacks a …
Application of iron-based materials in heterogeneous advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment: A review
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) can produce a large number of active and non-
selective free inorganic radicals in the reaction, which makes them widely used in …
selective free inorganic radicals in the reaction, which makes them widely used in …
Azurobine degradation using Fe2O3@ multi-walled carbon nanotube activated peroxymonosulfate (PMS) under UVA-LED irradiation: performance, mechanism and …
Food dyes are a large group of dyes which have been widely used in the food industry. The
presence of them in aquatic media results in water pollution. In this work, a heterogeneous …
presence of them in aquatic media results in water pollution. In this work, a heterogeneous …
Photocatalytic pathway on the degradation of methylene blue from aqueous solutions using magnetite nanoparticles
T de Oliveira Guidolin, NM Possolli, MB Polla… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2021 - Elsevier
In this work, magnetite nanoparticles, synthesized by the sol-gel citrate-nitrate method, were
applied as precursors for methylene blue degradation in a simulated aqueous solution. The …
applied as precursors for methylene blue degradation in a simulated aqueous solution. The …
[HTML][HTML] Critical review on wastewater treatment using photo catalytic advanced oxidation process: Role of photocatalytic materials, reactor design and kinetics
The presence of persistent organic compounds in wastewater poses significant challenges
to both biotic community and natural environment, resulting in a severely adverse effect on …
to both biotic community and natural environment, resulting in a severely adverse effect on …
[HTML][HTML] Photo-Fenton disinfection at near neutral pH: Process, parameter optimization and recent advances
The photo-Fenton process is an advanced oxidation process that uses the hydroxyl radical
to disinfect and decontaminate water. Its non-selectivity makes it ideal for the removal of a …
to disinfect and decontaminate water. Its non-selectivity makes it ideal for the removal of a …
A critical science map** approach on removal mechanism and pathways of per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water and wastewater: a comprehensive …
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic organic chemicals extensively
used in consumer and industrial applications over the past decades. The current literature …
used in consumer and industrial applications over the past decades. The current literature …
Solar photo-oxidation of recalcitrant industrial wastewater: a review
Conventional methods to clean wastewater actually lead to incomplete treatments, calling
for advanced technologies to degrade recalcitrant pollutants. Herein we review solar photo …
for advanced technologies to degrade recalcitrant pollutants. Herein we review solar photo …
Synthesis of Fe3O4@ activated carbon to treat metronidazole effluents by adsorption and heterogeneous Fenton with effluent bioassay
Metronidazole (MNZ), widely used to treat human bacterial infections, enters surface water
and groundwater through sewage effluent that endangers the aqueous environment. In this …
and groundwater through sewage effluent that endangers the aqueous environment. In this …
Advances towards understanding long chain fatty acids-induced inhibition and overcoming strategies for efficient anaerobic digestion process
The inhibition of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process, caused by long chain fatty acids
(LCFAs), has been considered as an important issue in the wastewater treatment sector …
(LCFAs), has been considered as an important issue in the wastewater treatment sector …