Tidal disruption event demographics with the Zwicky Transient Facility: volumetric rates, luminosity function, and implications for the local black hole mass function

Y Yao, V Ravi, S Gezari, S van Velzen… - The Astrophysical …, 2023‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We conduct a systematic tidal disruption event (TDE) demographics analysis using the
largest sample of optically selected TDEs. A flux-limited, spectroscopically complete sample …

Live to die another day: the rebrightening of AT 2018fyk as a repeating partial tidal disruption event

T Wevers, ER Coughlin, DR Pasham… - The Astrophysical …, 2023‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Stars that interact with supermassive black holes (SMBHs) can be either completely or
partially destroyed by tides. In a partial tidal disruption event (TDE), the high-density core of …

[HTML][HTML] A New Population of Mid-infrared-selected Tidal Disruption Events: Implications for Tidal Disruption Event Rates and Host Galaxy Properties

M Masterson, K De, C Panagiotou, E Kara… - The Astrophysical …, 2024‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Most tidal disruption events (TDEs) are currently found in time-domain optical and soft X-ray
surveys, both of which are prone to significant obscuration. The infrared (IR), however, is a …

X-ray eruptions every 22 days from the nucleus of a nearby galaxy

M Guolo, DR Pasham, M Zajaček, ER Coughlin… - Nature …, 2024‏ - nature.com
Galactic nuclei showing recurrent phases of activity and quiescence have recently been
discovered. Some have recurrence times as short as a few hours to a day and are known as …

Fundamental scaling relationships revealed in the optical light curves of tidal disruption events

A Mummery, S van Velzen, E Nathan… - Monthly Notices of …, 2024‏ - academic.oup.com
We present fundamental scaling relationships between properties of the optical/UV light
curves of tidal disruption events (TDEs) and the mass of the black hole that disrupted the …

Deciphering the extreme X-ray variability of the nuclear transient eRASSt J045650. 3− 203750-A likely repeating partial tidal disruption event

Z Liu, A Malyali, M Krumpe, D Homan… - Astronomy & …, 2023‏ - aanda.org
Context. During its all-sky survey, the extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging
Telescope Array (eROSITA) on board the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) observatory …

A systematic analysis of the X-ray emission in optically selected tidal disruption events: observational evidence for the unification of the optically and X-ray-selected …

M Guolo, S Gezari, Y Yao, S van Velzen… - The Astrophysical …, 2024‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We present a systematic analysis of the X-ray emission of a sample of 17 optically selected,
X-ray-detected tidal disruption events (TDEs) discovered between 2014 and 2021. The X …

Tormund's return: Hints of quasi-periodic eruption features from a recent optical tidal disruption event

E Quintin, NA Webb, S Guillot, G Miniutti… - Astronomy & …, 2023‏ - aanda.org
Context. Quasi-periodic eruptions (QPEs) are repeating thermal X-ray bursts associated with
accreting massive black holes, the precise underlying physical mechanisms of which are still …

Dynamical unification of tidal disruption events

LL Thomsen, TM Kwan, L Dai, SC Wu… - The Astrophysical …, 2022‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The∼ 100 tidal disruption events (TDEs) observed so far exhibit a wide range of emission
properties both at peak and over their lifetimes. Some TDEs radiate predominantly at X-ray …

Extragalactic fast X-ray transient candidates discovered by Chandra (2014–2022)

J Quirola-Vásquez, FE Bauer, PG Jonker… - Astronomy & …, 2023‏ - aanda.org
Context. Extragalactic fast X-ray transients (FXTs) are short flashes of X-ray photons of
unknown origin that last a few minutes to hours. Aims. We extend the previous search for …