[BUKU][B] Akuntansi manajemen: Konsep-konsep dasar akuntansi manajemen era digital

A Syamil, AF Anggraeni, R Martini, R Hernando… - 2023 - books.google.com
Buku" Akuntansi Manajemen: Konsep-konsep dasar Akuntansi Manajemen Era Digital"
menjelaskan peran teknologi digital dalam perkembangan akuntansi manajemen …

[BUKU][B] Manajemen Pemasaran (implementasi manajemen pemasaran pada masa revolusi industri 4.0 menuju era society 5.0)

H Nainggolan, D Hastuti, C Hendriyani, R Hernando… - 2023 - books.google.com
Buku dengan judul MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN (Implementasi manajemen pemasaran
pada masa revolusi industri 4.0 menuju era society 5.0) merupakan buku yang ditulis para …

Factors Affecting MSME Taxpayer Compliance: Tax Sanctions As Moderation: English

F Mansur, R Hernando, E Prasetyo - Jurnal akuntansi, 2023 - ecojoin.org
This study examines the factors that influence MSME taxpayer compliance in Jambi City,
such as understanding of accounting, tax regulations and knowledge of taxation and tax …

Home industry development through digital marketing with canva application optimization

R Hernando, R Rafiqi… - Jurnal …, 2022 - mail.online-journal.unja.ac.id
This study aims to determine the home industry development on marketing performance
through digital marketing by optimizing the Canva application in Lubuk Nagodang Village …

Pengaruh kepemimpinan struktur inisiasi, kinerja non finansial dan levers of control terhadap kejelasan tujuan

R Neldawaty, R Hernando - Jurnal Manajemen Terapan dan …, 2021 - repository.unja.ac.id
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh langsung atasan yang menggunakan
gaya kepemimpinan struktur inisiasi terhadap kejelasan tujuan. Penelitian ini juga menguji …

Project-based learning system model in courses advanced accounting

E Prasetyo, R Hernando - Proceeding International Conference on …, 2023 - journal.uii.ac.id
The purpose of this study was to find out in depth the application of the learning system with
a project-based learning model in advanced financial accounting courses at the Diploma in …

The relationships between the levers of control, employee performance and banking performance

R Hernando, E Prasetyo, RY Sari… - Jurnal Paradigma …, 2024 - online-journal.unja.ac.id
This study aims to examine the direct and indirect effect of the relationship between the
influence of levers of control and employee performance on banking performance. The …

Tax Sanctions as Moderating the Effect of Understanding Accounting, Understanding of Tax Regulations and Tax Knowledge on MSME Taxpayer Compliance

F Mansur, R Hernando, E Prasetyo - Jurnal Akuntansi e-JA, 2023 - repository.unja.ac.id
This study examines the effect of understanding accounting, understanding of tax
regulations and tax knowledge and tax sanctions on MSME taxpayer compliance. This study …

[PERNYATAAN][C] Levers of control as a mediation on the relationship of the effect of financial performance and non-financial performance on managerial performance

R Hernando, N Triandini, M Mukhzarudfa… - Jurnal Kajian Manajemen …, 2022


I Syahrina, S Yetti - Jambi Accounting Review (JAR), 2023 - online-journal.unja.ac.id
This study aims to determain the performance analysis at the Maro Sebo Ilir Healt Center,
Batanghari District, using the Balance Scorecard method. In analyzing the data researchers …