Pattern to process, research to practice: remote sensing of plant invasions
Processes that drive plant invasions play out across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Understanding individual steps along the introduction-naturalization-invasion continuum …
Understanding individual steps along the introduction-naturalization-invasion continuum …
Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services
Chapter 2, building on prior assessments, provides a global assessment of the observed
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …
[PDF][PDF] The dark side of facilitation: native shrubs facilitate exotic annuals more strongly than native annuals
Positive interactions enhance biodiversity and ecosystem function, but can also exacerbate
biological invasions. Facilitation of exotic invaders by exotic foundation species (invasional …
biological invasions. Facilitation of exotic invaders by exotic foundation species (invasional …
Extreme precipitation across adjacent burned and unburned watersheds reveals impacts of low severity wildfire on debris‐flow processes
In steep landscapes, wildfire‐induced changes to soil and vegetation can lead to extreme
and hazardous geomorphic responses, including debris flows. The wildfire‐induced …
and hazardous geomorphic responses, including debris flows. The wildfire‐induced …
Remote sensing of trophic cascades: multi‐temporal landsat imagery reveals vegetation change driven by the removal of an apex predator
Context Trophic cascade theory predicts that predators indirectly benefit plants by limiting
herbivore consumption. As humans have removed large predators from most terrestrial …
herbivore consumption. As humans have removed large predators from most terrestrial …
Global trends in vegetation fractional cover: Hotspots for change in bare soil and non-photosynthetic vegetation
Abstract Vegetation Fractional Cover (VFC) is an important indicator of the condition of the
terrestrial surface of the Earth. The dynamics of bare soil (BS), non-photosynthetic …
terrestrial surface of the Earth. The dynamics of bare soil (BS), non-photosynthetic …
Identifying herbicides compatible with biological soil crusts for land management: effects differ by mechanistic family
Dryland degradation is a global problem, destabilizing ecosystems and disrupting coupled
human‐natural systems in arid regions. Degradation, caused by livestock grazing, wildfire …
human‐natural systems in arid regions. Degradation, caused by livestock grazing, wildfire …
Spatial overlap of wildfire and biodiversity in California highlights gap in non‐conifer fire research and management
Aim Global change has spurred the escalation of megafires in California over the last 20
years throughout a variety of ecosystems. Here, we examine the spatial distribution of …
years throughout a variety of ecosystems. Here, we examine the spatial distribution of …
Earlier fall precipitation increases the competitive advantage of non-native plant communities in a desert ecosystem
TBB Bishop, A Barnes, BC Nusink, SB St. Clair - Biological Invasions, 2024 - Springer
Climate change is likely to influence competitive interactions between native and non-native
plant species by altering soil resource availability. The objective of this study was to …
plant species by altering soil resource availability. The objective of this study was to …
Spatiotemporal patterns of cheatgrass invasion in Colorado Plateau National Parks
Context Exotic annual grasses are transforming native arid and semi-arid ecosystems
globally by accelerating fire cycles that drive vegetation state changes. Cheatgrass (Bromus …
globally by accelerating fire cycles that drive vegetation state changes. Cheatgrass (Bromus …