isdf: Real-time neural signed distance fields for robot perception
We present iSDF, a continual learning system for real-time signed distance field (SDF)
reconstruction. Given a stream of posed depth images from a moving camera, it trains a …
reconstruction. Given a stream of posed depth images from a moving camera, it trains a …
Where2explore: Few-shot affordance learning for unseen novel categories of articulated objects
Articulated object manipulation is a fundamental yet challenging task in robotics. Due to
significant geometric and semantic variations across object categories, previous …
significant geometric and semantic variations across object categories, previous …
Learning environment-aware affordance for 3d articulated object manipulation under occlusions
Perceiving and manipulating 3D articulated objects in diverse environments is essential for
home-assistant robots. Recent studies have shown that point-level affordance provides …
home-assistant robots. Recent studies have shown that point-level affordance provides …
Carto: Category and joint agnostic reconstruction of articulated objects
We present CARTO, a novel approach for reconstructing multiple articulated objects from a
single stereo RGB observation. We use implicit object-centric representations and learn a …
single stereo RGB observation. We use implicit object-centric representations and learn a …
Full-body articulated human-object interaction
Fine-grained capture of 3D Human-Object Interactions (HOIs) boosts human activity
understanding and facilitates various downstream visual tasks. Prior models mostly assume …
understanding and facilitates various downstream visual tasks. Prior models mostly assume …
Paris: Part-level reconstruction and motion analysis for articulated objects
We address the task of simultaneous part-level reconstruction and motion parameter
estimation for articulated objects. Given two sets of multi-view images of an object in two …
estimation for articulated objects. Given two sets of multi-view images of an object in two …
Se (3)-equivariant relational rearrangement with neural descriptor fields
We present a framework for specifying tasks involving spatial relations between objects
using only 5-10 demonstrations and then executing such tasks given point cloud …
using only 5-10 demonstrations and then executing such tasks given point cloud …
Dexart: Benchmarking generalizable dexterous manipulation with articulated objects
To enable general-purpose robots, we will require the robot to operate daily articulated
objects as humans do. Current robot manipulation has heavily relied on using a parallel …
objects as humans do. Current robot manipulation has heavily relied on using a parallel …
Ditto in the house: Building articulation models of indoor scenes through interactive perception
Virtualizing the physical world into virtual models has been a critical technique for robot
navigation and planning in the real world. To foster manipulation with articulated objects in …
navigation and planning in the real world. To foster manipulation with articulated objects in …
Articulated 3d human-object interactions from rgb videos: An empirical analysis of approaches and challenges
Human-object interactions with articulated objects are common in everyday life. Despite
much progress in single-view 3D reconstruction, it is still challenging to infer an articulated …
much progress in single-view 3D reconstruction, it is still challenging to infer an articulated …