An integrative definition and framework to study gossip
The omnipresence of workplace gossip makes understanding gossip processes imperative
to understand social life in organizations. Although gossip research has recently increased …
to understand social life in organizations. Although gossip research has recently increased …
The “sword of a woman”: Gossip and female aggression
FT McAndrew - Aggression and violent behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
An interest in the affairs of same-sex others is especially strong among females, and women
are more likely than men to use gossip in an aggressive, competitive manner. The goal of …
are more likely than men to use gossip in an aggressive, competitive manner. The goal of …
[HTML][HTML] Agent-based modeling of rumor propagation using expected integrated mean squared error optimal design
SH Tseng, T Son Nguyen - Applied System Innovation, 2020 - mdpi.com
In the “Age of the Internet”, fake news and rumor-mongering have emerged as some of the
most critical factors that affect our online social lives. For example, in the workplace, rumor …
most critical factors that affect our online social lives. For example, in the workplace, rumor …
Bullying and the neoliberal university: A co-authored autoethnography
The purpose of this article is to deepen the understanding of academic bullying as a
consequence of neoliberal reforms in a university. Academics in contemporary universities …
consequence of neoliberal reforms in a university. Academics in contemporary universities …
When is a bystander not a bystander? A typology of the roles of bystanders in workplace bullying
The role of the bystander is one which has received only a small portion of the research
attention that has been paid to workplace bullying. This paper will argue that bystanders are …
attention that has been paid to workplace bullying. This paper will argue that bystanders are …
The presence of workplace bullying and harassment worldwide
Workplace bullying and harassment has been a growing area of interest worldwide during
the last decades. One of the main topics within this area has been establishing the …
the last decades. One of the main topics within this area has been establishing the …
[หนังสือ][B] Too few women at the top: The persistence of inequality in Japan
K Nemoto - 2016 - books.google.com
The number of women in positions of power and authority in Japanese companies has
remained small despite the increase in the number of educated women and the passage of …
remained small despite the increase in the number of educated women and the passage of …
Conceptualizations of workplace bullying
Two studies were conducted to examine the significance of gender for how employees
define workplace bullying and how severe they rate different forms of bullying to be. The first …
define workplace bullying and how severe they rate different forms of bullying to be. The first …
Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Case of Secondary Education Teachers in Greece.
The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and
conflict resolution among secondary education teachers in Greece. The research sample …
conflict resolution among secondary education teachers in Greece. The research sample …
Rumors and gossip as tools of social undermining and social dominance in workplace bullying and mobbing practices: A closer look at perceived perpetrator motives
MM Pheko - Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The impact of 'bully bosses' on organizations is well studied and research has established a
number of antecedents, correlates, moderators and mediators of workplace bullying and …
number of antecedents, correlates, moderators and mediators of workplace bullying and …