The political economy of economic sanctions

WH Kaempfer, AD Lowenberg - Handbook of defense economics, 2007 - Elsevier
International economic sanctions have become increasingly important as alternatives to
military conflict since the end of the Cold War. This chapter surveys various approaches to …

[КНИГА][B] Economic sanctions reconsidered: History and current policy

GC Hufbauer, JJ Schott, KA Elliott - 1990 -
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the use of economic sanctions for foreign
policy purposes since World War I. It does so by reviewing 116 cases in which sanctions …

Dealing with tyranny: International sanctions and the survival of authoritarian rulers

A Escribà-Folch, J Wright - International studies quarterly, 2010 -
This paper examines whether economic sanctions destabilize authoritarian rulers. We argue
that the effect of sanctions is mediated by the type of authoritarian regime against which …

An institutional theory of sanctions onset and success

D Lektzian, M Souva - Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2007 -
Why do economic sanctions sometimes succeed, but often fail, to produce a policy change?
The authors argue that the effect of economic punishment is conditional on a state's political …

Impacts of the US trade and financial sanctions on Iran

AE Torbat - World Economy, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
This article presents a case study of the effectiveness of the US unilateral trade and financial
sanctions on Iran. To assess the trade sanctions' effect, the US–Iran historical trade data are …

Slee** with your friends' enemies: An explanation of sanctions-busting trade

BR Early - International Studies Quarterly, 2009 -
Research indicates that if third parties provide assistance to sanctioned states, the sanctions
are less likely to be successful. However, the scholarship on the profile of sanctions busters …

Authoritarian responses to foreign pressure: Spending, repression, and sanctions

A Escribà-Folch - Comparative Political Studies, 2012 -
This article explores how international sanctions affect authoritarian rulers' decisions
concerning repression and public spending composition. Rulers whose budgets are not …

Sanctions, signals, and militarized conflict

DJ Lektzian, CM Sprecher - American Journal of Political …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Economic sanctions are frequently used as a tool of foreign policy, described by some as
falling between diplomacy and military force. An important question regarding the use of …

Unmasking the black knights: Sanctions busters and their effects on the success of economic sanctions

BR Early - Foreign Policy Analysis, 2011 -
Despite clear expectations that sanctions busters undermine the effectiveness of economic
sanctions, most empirical studies of the phenomenon fail to find that they significantly affect …

[КНИГА][B] Targeting peace: understanding UN and EU targeted sanctions

M Eriksson - 2016 -
In recent years, the international community has increasingly come to abandon the use of
comprehensive sanctions in favour of targeted sanctions. Unlike adopting a coercive …