Biological evaluation of novel phosphorylated pullulan‐based calcium hydroxide formulations as direct pulp cap** materials: An in vivo study on a rat model
Aim Calcium hydroxide (CH) has been considered as a direct pulp cap** materials (DPC)
for the last decades despite having some limitations. Phosphorylate pullulan (PPL) …
for the last decades despite having some limitations. Phosphorylate pullulan (PPL) …
[HTML][HTML] A narrative review on applications of nanotechnology in modern endodontics
Nanotechnology in modern endodontics involves manipulating materials at the nanoscale to
improve dental treatments, disinfection, imaging, and tissue engineering. This narrative …
improve dental treatments, disinfection, imaging, and tissue engineering. This narrative …
Development and Characterization of Chicken Eggshell-Derived Untreated and Treated-Biogenic Hydroxyapatite-Fortified Candy and Consumer Acceptance by …
This study focused on producing chicken eggshell-derived hydroxyapatite (HAp) from local
bakeries in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, following a series of cleaning steps, including membrane …
bakeries in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, following a series of cleaning steps, including membrane …
Histological Characterization of Modified Calcite Paste as Pulpotomy Material in Partially Pulpotomized Rabbit Incisors
AA Ali, EF Kadhim - Pharmacognosy Journal, 2024 -
Background: increasing the demand for vital pulp therapy (VPT) as a minimally invasive
treatment, evolving the need for bio-inspired cap** material to optimize the outcome with …
treatment, evolving the need for bio-inspired cap** material to optimize the outcome with …
Evaluation of the apical sealing of an eggshell hydroxyapatite-based sealer
CE Fontana, BA Dos Santos… - Journal of Clinical …, 2023 -
Background The success of endodontic treatment can be influenced by the type of
endodontic sealer used, as certain sealers may be prone to apical microleakage, leading to …
endodontic sealer used, as certain sealers may be prone to apical microleakage, leading to …
Comparación de la rugosidad de la superficie del esmalte post-descementación de brackets pulidas con dos pastas experimentales a base de cáscara de huevo de …
AL Pariona Calisaya - 2023 -
Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de dos pastas pulidoras
experimentales a base de cáscara de huevo de codorniz y gallina en la rugosidad de la …
experimentales a base de cáscara de huevo de codorniz y gallina en la rugosidad de la …