Precision measurement of the lamb shift in muonium

B Ohayon, G Janka, I Cortinovis, Z Burkley… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We report a new measurement of the n= 2 Lamb shift in Muonium. Our result of 1047.2 (2.3)
stat (1.1) syst MHz comprises an order of magnitude improvement upon the previous best …

Model-Independent Tests of the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Contribution to the Muon

L Di Luzio, A Keshavarzi, A Masiero, P Paradisi - Physical Review Letters, 2025 - APS
The hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contributions to the muon g-2 are the crucial
quantity to resolve whether new physics is present or not in the comparison between the …

Searching for axion forces with precision precession in storage rings

P Agrawal, DE Kaplan, O Kim, S Rajendran, M Reig - Physical Review D, 2023 - APS
We consider different types of storage rings as precision probes of axion-mediated
monopole-dipole forces. We show that current and planned experiments aiming to measure …

Science case for the new high-intensity muon beams HIMB at PSI

M Aiba, A Amato, A Antognini, S Ban, N Berger… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2021 -
In April 2021, scientists active in muon physics met to discuss and work out the physics case
for the new High-Intensity Muon Beams (HIMB) project at PSI that could deliver of order …

Update of Muonium 1S–2S transition frequency

I Cortinovis, B Ohayon, L de Sousa Borges… - The European Physical …, 2023 - Springer
We present an updated value of the Muonium 1 S–2 S transition frequency, highlighting
contributions from different QED corrections as well as the large uncertainty in the Dirac …

Muon and a Geocentric New Field

H Davoudiasl, R Szafron - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Light scalars can in principle couple to both bulk matter and fermion spin, with hierarchically
disparate strengths. Storage ring measurements of fermion electromagnetic moments via …

Muonium-muonium interactions: Binding and scattering

MS Wu, Y Zhang, JY Zhang, K Varga, ZC Yan - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
The study of muonium-muonium binding and scattering is crucial for precision experiments
involving muonium. In this paper, we investigate the bound-state energies and structures of …

Elastic scattering of positive muons from and

MS Wu, Y Zhang, GA Yan, JY Zhang, K Varga, ZC Yan - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
The study of positive muon μ+-He scattering plays an important role in precision
experiments involving positive muons. In this paper, we employed the confined variational …

Optical deceleration of atomic hydrogen

SF Cooper, C Rasor, RG Bullis, AD Brandt… - New Journal of …, 2023 -
We demonstrate control over the motional degrees of freedom of a cryogenic hydrogen
atomic beam using an accelerating optical lattice. For our method, we load metastable …

Searching for hadronic scale baryonic and dark forces at 's lattice-vs-dispersion front

K Agashe, A Banerjee, M Jiang, S Nussinov… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon ($\, a_ {\mu}\, $) provides a stringent test of
the quantum nature of the Standard Model (SM) and its extensions. To probe beyond the SM …