The sociology of nonprofit organizations and sectors
PJ DiMaggio, HK Anheier - Annual review of sociology, 1990 - annualreviews.org
Interest in and research on nonprofit organizations and sectors have developed rapidly in
recent years. Much of this work by sociologists has focussed on particular subsectors rather …
recent years. Much of this work by sociologists has focussed on particular subsectors rather …
Advocacy activities of nonprofit human service organizations: A critical review
Policy advocacy is widely regarded as an eminent feature of nonprofit organizations'
activities, allowing them to represent their constituencies. The article presents a literature …
activities, allowing them to represent their constituencies. The article presents a literature …
Down, out, and under arrest: Policing and everyday life in skid row
F Stuart - Down, Out, and under arrest, 2016 - degruyter.com
In his first year working in Los Angeles's Skid Row, Forrest Stuart was stopped on the street
by police fourteen times. Usually for doing little more than standing there.Juliette, a woman …
by police fourteen times. Usually for doing little more than standing there.Juliette, a woman …
[КНИГА][B] Global Education Inc.: New policy networks and the neoliberal imaginary
SJ Ball - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Do private and philanthropic solutions to the problems of education signal the end of state
education in itswelfare form? Education policy is being reformed and re-worked on a global …
education in itswelfare form? Education policy is being reformed and re-worked on a global …
[КНИГА][B] Networks, new governance and education
SJ Ball, C Junemann - 2012 - bristoluniversitypressdigital.com
List of figures, tables and boxes iv List of abbreviations v About the authors vii
Acknowledgements viii one Policy networks and new governance 1 two Education, network …
Acknowledgements viii one Policy networks and new governance 1 two Education, network …
Radical, reformist, and garden-variety neoliberal: coming to terms with urban agriculture's contradictions
N McClintock - Local Environment, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
For many activists and scholars, urban agriculture in the Global North has become
synonymous with sustainable food systems, standing in opposition to the dominant industrial …
synonymous with sustainable food systems, standing in opposition to the dominant industrial …
[КНИГА][B] The new political economy of urban education: Neoliberalism, race, and the right to the city
P Lipman - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Urban education and its contexts have changed in powerful ways. Old paradigms are being
eclipsed by global forces of privatization and markets and new articulations of race, class …
eclipsed by global forces of privatization and markets and new articulations of race, class …
Shadow care infrastructures: Sustaining life in post-welfare cities
Economic restructuring and welfare reform are driving new forms of urban poverty in the
global north. Shadow care infrastructures is a new frame for conceptualising the complex …
global north. Shadow care infrastructures is a new frame for conceptualising the complex …
[КНИГА][B] Edu. net: Globalisation and education policy mobility
Edu. net builds upon, and extends, a series of research studies of education policy networks
and global policy mobilities. It draws on comprehensive data resulting from a Leverhulme …
and global policy mobilities. It draws on comprehensive data resulting from a Leverhulme …
[КНИГА][B] Social and solidarity economy: Beyond the fringe
S Bergeron, S Healy, C Millstone, B Fonteneau… - 2015 - books.google.com
As economic crises, growing inequality and climate change prompt a global debate on the
meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on'social and …
meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on'social and …