Ecosystem services at the farm level—Overview, synergies, trade‐offs, and stakeholder analysis
The current geological epoch is characterized by anthropogenic activity that greatly impacts
on natural ecosystems and their integrity. The complex networks of ecosystem services …
on natural ecosystems and their integrity. The complex networks of ecosystem services …
Assessing human well‐being constructs with environmental and equity aspects: A review of the landscape
Decades of theory and scholarship on the concept of human well‐being have informed a
proliferation of approaches to assess well‐being and support public policy aimed at …
proliferation of approaches to assess well‐being and support public policy aimed at …
Plural valuation of nature for equity and sustainability: Insights from the Global South
Plural valuation is about eliciting the diverse values of nature articulated by different
stakeholders in order to inform decision making and thus achieve more equitable and …
stakeholders in order to inform decision making and thus achieve more equitable and …
Renewable energy targets may undermine their sustainability
Renewable energy targets may undermine their sustainability | Nature Climate Change Skip to
main content Thank you for visiting You are using a browser version with limited …
main content Thank you for visiting You are using a browser version with limited …
[HTML][HTML] Estimating the total ecosystem services value of Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspots in response to landscape dynamics
Ecosystem Service value (ESV) is a technique of assigning monetary value to the services
and goods of an ecosystem. The rapid change in land-use land cover (LULC) is a major …
and goods of an ecosystem. The rapid change in land-use land cover (LULC) is a major …
Use your power for good: plural valuation of nature–the Oaxaca statement
Decisions on the use of nature reflect the values and rights of individuals, communities and
society at large. The values of nature are expressed through cultural norms, rules and …
society at large. The values of nature are expressed through cultural norms, rules and …
International ranking of climate change action: An analysis using the indicators from the Climate Change Performance Index
It is hard to argue against the reality of global warming, its consequences are becoming
increasingly evident not only due to the effects of extreme weather that are changing the …
increasingly evident not only due to the effects of extreme weather that are changing the …
Trends in urban forestry research in Latin America & the Caribbean: a systematic literature review and synthesis
Research on urban forests has expanded in the last 30 years in the US, Canada, Europe,
and Australia. Nonetheless, urban forestry has been explored to much less extent in the …
and Australia. Nonetheless, urban forestry has been explored to much less extent in the …
" The Mangrove is Like a Friend": Local Perspectives of Mangrove Cultural Ecosystem Services Among Mangrove Users in Northern Ecuador
M Treviño - Human Ecology, 2022 - Springer
Cultural ecosystem services (CES) contribute to people's physical, emotional, and mental
well-being. CES research has significantly increased in recent years. However, most studies …
well-being. CES research has significantly increased in recent years. However, most studies …
[HTML][HTML] Trade-offs between ecosystem services along gradients of tree species diversity and values
Trade-offs between incommensurable values of services are a challenge to the
implementation of the ecosystem services framework. The International Platform of …
implementation of the ecosystem services framework. The International Platform of …