Simulation and understanding of atomic and molecular quantum crystals
Quantum crystals abound in the whole range of solid-state species. Below a certain
threshold temperature the physical behavior of rare gases (He 4 and Ne), molecular solids …
threshold temperature the physical behavior of rare gases (He 4 and Ne), molecular solids …
Path integral Monte Carlo ground state approach: Formalism, implementation, and applications
Y Yan, D Blume - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2017 -
Monte Carlo techniques have played an important role in understanding strongly correlated
systems across many areas of physics, covering a wide range of energy and length scales …
systems across many areas of physics, covering a wide range of energy and length scales …
Superglass Phase of
We study different solid phases of He 4, by means of path integral Monte Carlo simulations
based on a recently developed worm algorithm. Our study includes simulations that start off …
based on a recently developed worm algorithm. Our study includes simulations that start off …
Overview on Solid 4He and the Issue of Supersolidity
Here we provide an overview of the status of the field of solid 4 He with a focus on the recent
theoretical and experimental activities stimulated by the 2004 experiments of Kim and Chan …
theoretical and experimental activities stimulated by the 2004 experiments of Kim and Chan …
Solid 4He and the Supersolid Phase: from Theoretical Speculation to the Discovery of a New State of Matter?—A Review of the Past and Present Status of Research—
accepted July 30, 2008; published November 10, 2008) The possibility of a supersolid state
of matter, ie, a crystalline solid exhibiting superfluid properties, first appeared in theoretical …
of matter, ie, a crystalline solid exhibiting superfluid properties, first appeared in theoretical …
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Incommensurate Solid
It is pointed out that the simulation computation of energy performed so far cannot be used to
decide if the ground state of solid He 4 has the number of lattice sites equal to the number of …
decide if the ground state of solid He 4 has the number of lattice sites equal to the number of …
Bose-Einstein condensation in solid
We have computed the one-body density matrix ρ 1 in solid He 4 at T= 0 K using the shadow
wave-function (SWF) variational technique. The accuracy of the SWF has been tested with …
wave-function (SWF) variational technique. The accuracy of the SWF has been tested with …
Microscopic characterization of overpressurized superfluid He
We have studied static and dynamical properties of superfluid 4 He at T= 0 K in the pressure
range from− 6 up to 87 atm well above freezing into the metastable region. Zero temperature …
range from− 6 up to 87 atm well above freezing into the metastable region. Zero temperature …
Quantum Monte Carlo study of a vortex in superfluid and search for a vortex state in the solid
We have performed a microscopic study of a straight quantized vortex line in three
dimensions in condensed He 4 at zero temperature using the shadow path integral ground …
dimensions in condensed He 4 at zero temperature using the shadow path integral ground …
Probing Quantum Turbulence in by Quantum Evaporation Measurements
Theory of superfluid He 4 shows that, due to strong correlations and backflow effects, the
density profile of a vortex line has the character of a density modulation and it is not a simple …
density profile of a vortex line has the character of a density modulation and it is not a simple …