Comprehensive evaluation of map** complex traits in wheat using genome-wide association studies

DK Saini, Y Chopra, J Singh, KS Sandhu, A Kumar… - Molecular …, 2022 - Springer
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are effectively applied to detect the marker trait
associations (MTAs) using whole genome-wide variants for complex quantitative traits in …

[HTML][HTML] Genetic potential and inheritance patterns of physiological, agronomic and quality traits in bread wheat under normal and water deficit conditions

MM Kamara, M Rehan, AM Mohamed, RF El Mantawy… - Plants, 2022 -
Water scarcity is a major environmental stress that adversatively impacts wheat growth,
production, and quality. Furthermore, drought is predicted to be more frequent and severe as …

[HTML][HTML] Plant resistance to abiotic stresses

MCD Costa, JM Farrant - Plants, 2019 -
Extreme weather events are one of the biggest dangers posed by climate breakdown. As the
temperatures increase, droughts and desertification will render whole regions inhospitable …

Evaluation of a global spring wheat panel for stripe rust: Resistance loci validation and novel resources identification

IS Elbasyoni, WM El-Orabey, S Morsy, PS Baenziger… - PLoS …, 2019 -
Stripe rust (incited by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) is airborne wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
disease with dynamic virulence evolution. Thus, anticipatory and continued screening in …

Nitrogen deficiency tolerance conferred by introgression of a QTL derived from wild emmer into bread wheat

N Govta, A Fatiukha, L Govta, C Pozniak… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2024 - Springer
Key message Genetic dissection of a QTL from wild emmer wheat, QGpc. huj. uh-5B. 2,
introgressed into bread wheat, identified candidate genes associated with tolerance to …

[HTML][HTML] Building stress resilience of cereals under future climatic scenarios:'the case of maize, wheat, rice and sorghum'

C Muitire, C Kamutando, M Moyo - Cereal Grains-Volume 1, 2021 -
World population is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050 and the phenomenon is expected
to cause a surge in demand for food, feed and industrial raw materials. Cereals (ie …

[HTML][HTML] Influencia de tres regímenes de riego sobre la calidad agronómica de centeno cultivado en la costa de Hermosillo, Sonora, México

LC Sosa-Yáñez, JL García-Hernández… - Terra …, 2022 -
Siendo los cereales parte fundamental de la alimentación mundial es necesario lograr su
adaptación en diferentes entornos debido al cambio climático. Es esencial el estudio de las …

Development of winter wheat starting material using interspecific crossing in breeding for increased protein content

II Motsnyi, MA Lytvynenko, OO Molodchenkova… - Cytology and …, 2019 - Springer
The results of develo** new bread winter wheat starting material using interspecific
crosses in breeding for increased protein content are presented. The study comprised 35 …

Inf luence of three irrigation regimes on the agronomic quality of cultivated rye in the coast of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico

LC Sosa-Yáñez, JL García-Hernández… - Terra …, 2022 -
Resumen SOSA-YANEZ, Lorena Carolina et al. Inf luence of three irrigation regimes on the
agronomic quality of cultivated rye in the coast of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Terra …

The Contribution of Protein Turnover to the Accumulation of Wheat Grain Proteins

H Cao - 2021 -
Abstract Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), one of the three most important grain crops
worldwide, provides approximately 20% of the protein consumed by humans. Through …