Environmental Impact of Sectoral Energy Consumption on Economic Growth in Malaysia: Evidence from ARDL Bound Testing Approach.

HI Hussain, MA Salem, AZA Rashid… - Ekoloji …, 2019‏ - search.ebscohost.com
The association of energy utilization with economic progress has always proven to be
crucial in modern business. Acknowledging the importance of sectoral energy utilization, the …

Debt maturity and family related directors: evidence from a develo** market

HI Hussain, ISZ Abidin, A Ali… - Polish Journal of …, 2018‏ - yadda.icm.edu.pl
This paper examines the debt maturity structures of Malaysian firms based on the presence
of family-related directors (FRDs) on boards. The motivation is derived from the board …

[PDF][PDF] Inspecting sector-specific capital structure determinants: The case of Malaysian Shariah firms

R Rehan, AA Sa'ad, R Haron… - International Journal of …, 2023‏ - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This study is set to inspect sector-specific capital structure determinants for publicly listed
Malaysian Shariah-tagged firms. For this purpose, a 17-year data sample set comprising …

What explain capital structure determinants choices of Shariah firms?

R Rehan, AA Sa'ad, RB Rosman… - Journal of Asian …, 2024‏ - search.proquest.com
This study aims to discover key capital structure determinants for the entire Shariah firms
operating in dissimilar contexts. Moreover, it also estimates the adjustment speed for these …

Adjustment to target debt maturity and equity mispricing: Evidence from Asia Pacific

HI Hussain, ARA Hadi, A Mohamed-Isa… - Polish Journal of …, 2018‏ - yadda.icm.edu.pl
This paper examines firms' target adjustment behavior for debt maturity structure for selected
countries from the Asia Pacific region. The literature documents that managers' structure …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of State Affiliated Directors on the capital structure speed of adjustment in an emerging makret

HI Hussain, ISZ Abidin, R Kamarulzaman… - Polish Journal of …, 2018‏ - bibliotekanauki.pl
This study analyses a unique aspect of the speed of adjustment to optimal debt levels in an
emerging market by accounting for the impact of State Affiliated Directors (SAD) on internal …

A generalised regression neural network model of financing imbalance: Shari'ah compliance as the roadmap for sustainability of capital markets

HI Hussain, NAM Anwar… - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2020‏ - content.iospress.com
The current study looks at the impact of compliance to Shari'ah principles on the capital
structure for Malaysian firms. Examination of impact of compliance is based on the …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of macroeconomics towards Islamic banking third party funds in Indonesia

L Amaliawiati, Y Hendayana, TL Sarumpaet - International Journal of …, 2019‏ - ijicc.net
This study discusses the impact of macroeconomic variables collected by economic growth,
inflation, and interest against party funds collected by Islamic banks in Indonesia, both in the …

Value creation through management accounting practices in large Thai manufacturing companies

K Terdpaopong, N Visedsun… - Polish journal of …, 2019‏ - yadda.icm.edu.pl
This research explores the extent to which various management accounting practices
(MAPs) have been implemented in large Thai manufacturing companies. Although IFAC …


FS Leuwol, S Hermansyah, A Wasik, H Amin… - INTERNATIONAL …, 2024‏ - ijefe.my.id
This study explored the development and application of an adaptive AI framework for
dynamic Sharia compliance within the Indonesian Islamic finance sector, all from an ethical …